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Is price2earnings significant? Can you explain the sign of the coefficient?-Is price2cashflow significant? Can you explain the sign of the coefficient?

R programming –finance Based on Lab3a exercises, select three most significant factors from single variable regressions, and run a regression of returns on these three variables. Discuss the joint significance of these variables.   Based on Lab3b exercises, one can study the regression output and determine the significance of each factor. The following questions might […]

What is a minimal number of wires counted from 70 a cable must have in order to maintain the reliability of the cable (and thus of the system) to at least 0.98?

TASK 1 Explain in Example 5.8 (Chapter I, pages 45-46) of the Lecture Notes (a) how A was obtained and (b) what went wrong with the Poisson approximation. (5 pts) Problem #2 is computational, and it should be rendered using the R-programming (no other language or tool). Provide me not only with an answer, but […]

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