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RESPOND TO THIS DISCUSSION:The Great Depression resulted in economic devastation for the country that resulted in high unemployment rates for everyone challenging the certainty that had steered social welfare previously that there was a correlation between the deserving and underserving poor

RESPOND TO THIS DISCUSSION: The Great Depression resulted in economic devastation for the country that resulted in high unemployment rates for everyone challenging the certainty that had steered social welfare previously that there was a correlation between the deserving and underserving poor (Stern & Axinn, 2018). It highlighted that people could encounter hardships due to […]

What were the effects of excluding a health insurance provision from the Social Security Act? How could we have changed our future? Develop an appropriate advocacy-based response for your recommendation regarding Health insurance Provision and Social Security in the future (e.g. funding, tax structure, etc.)).Discuss

What were the effects of excluding a health insurance provision from the Social Security Act? How could we have changed our future? Develop an appropriate advocacy-based response for your recommendation regarding Health insurance Provision and Social Security in the future (e.g. funding, tax structure, etc.)).

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