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Does the existence of transgender identity change your ideas about nature vs nurture?

Agricultural Studies Present your own argument in the “nature vs. nurture” debate. Where does nature end and nurture begin? Discuss which of the theories of the gender socialization of children presented in Part I of “Module 2: Agents of Socialization” or in “Gender and Socialization” from the Boundless textbook is most compelling to you, and […]

Identify and discuss the major agents of socialization in the United States. Do these agents of socialization always convey the same lessons to people?

1. What is socialization? Why do we say socialization is “lifelong”? Why are the cases of Anna and Genie important to social scientists? Identify and discuss the major agents of socialization in the United States. Do these agents of socialization always convey the same lessons to people? In your response, provide at least one specific […]

Discuss how the nurse mentor can promote professional socialization in the workplace.

Nursing The phrase “nurses eat their young” has been around for decades. The consequences of bullying include nurses reporting poorer mental health, decreased collaboration with team members, ineffective communication, reduced work productivity, and poor job commitment. Do you feel bullying or horizontal violence is an issue in the clinical environment? Why or why not? Discuss […]

Which agents of socialization have been most influential in shaping your worldview and behaviors?

  Consider socialization (as explained in the textbook) and the various values, beliefs, attitudes, norms, foodways, gender roles, language, and other cultural attributes you have learned from the agents of socialization in your life. Which agents of socialization have been most influential in shaping your worldview and behaviors? On a personal level, what makes some […]

Discuss the role that individual played as an agent of socialization and explain how that individual affected your socialization and your values, beliefs, or goals.

In a 2-3 page essay, based on your interview and your personal experience with the person who influenced in your socialization, discuss the role that individual played as an agent of socialization and explain how that individual affected your socialization and your values, beliefs, or goals. In your essay, include at least one direct quote […]

Discuss Basic Student Socialization as explained in Cohen’s Model and Benner’s Model.

Discuss your academic nursing history and nursing work history as well as your rationale for returning to school. Describe your professional identity. Answer “What do nurses do?” Describe your professional socialization thus far. Discuss Basic Student Socialization as explained in Cohen’s Model and Benner’s Model. Why is socialization important? Which of the five nurses featured […]

Describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

Explain the set up and consequences of the Electoral College. Why do we have the electoral college?

Description 1) Identify the agents of political socialization and how this influences the formation of public opinion. Second, what characteristics (ethnicity, age, gender, etc.) make the most difference in one’s political ideology? In other words, how do opinions differ according to factors such as race, gender, age, and income and why? Lastly, explain how your […]

What is the difference between sex and gender? What is gender socialization, and explain examples of gender bias in different levels of school.

What is the difference between sex and gender? What is gender socialization, and explain examples of gender bias in different levels of school. How and why do women and men, on average, have different communication styles? Give examples of rapport talk vs report talk. Finally, from the reading (27)Davis, what is intersex, and how do […]

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