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What kind of social media behavior is acceptable for your employees? What are they permitted to do during working hours and even on their own time?

Your task here is to write a Social Media Policy. Your policy should consider questions like: What kind of social media behavior is acceptable for your employees? What are they permitted to do during working hours and even on their own time? What information can employees share about their job on social media? Is any […]

How does the coronavirus compare to other disease outbreaks around the world (for example tuberculosis in India, the Zika virus, HIV, swine flu)?

Submit Assignment ELT 5 – How do sociologists understand and study pandemics? Our semester was abruptly disrupted on March 12 when the BC provincial government banned all public gatherings over 250 people and UBC immediately cancelled all large lecture over 250. Since that Thursday life in Canada has dramatically changed. The Canadian government has closed […]

How was your trajectory set up from an early age? Was it a given that you would attend college? Is your path traditional or non-traditional given your social location relative to others who share it?

This assignment asks you to critically examine your social location. Our social location is comprised of numerous factors including race, social class, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and the physical location in the world where we reside. Discuss your social location given the parameters previously mentioned. Next, tell me a bit about how you […]

Explain how Restorative Justice in Education has evolved from the practice of Restorative Justice itself (as the indigenous tradition and justice practices have used it)

Restorative Justice in Education versus Restorative Justice. Explain how Restorative Justice in Education has evolved from the practice of Restorative Justice itself (as the indigenous tradition and justice practices have used it) Understanding the challenges with the concept of Restorative Justice, particularly Restorative Justice in Education. Note limitations, confusion, complications, and barriers to Restorative Justice.

Develop a comparative analysis that explores Canada’s and a non-Western country’s attitudes toward intimate partner abuse and/or sexual abuse.

Explore a specific topic in detail and to integrate your knowledge about violence against women with your understanding of the factors that contribute to women’s vulnerability to violence and the violence perpetrated against them. It also allows you to go beyond the course materials in formulating an in-depth analysis and discussion of your selected topic. […]

What barriers did you experience that made moving from one stage to another difficult? What was helpful to you as you moved from one stage to the next? What implications does this have for your counseling practice?

1. What is the difference between screening and assessment for substance abuse? 2. Think of examples of your own experience with each of the motivational stages during at various times your life. The example does not necessarily need to involve substance abuse. Think about times in your life when you have tried to make a […]

Analyze the role of the professional in terms of inter-professional working. Include an evaluation of factors which may influence the quality of life for people using the respective services.

Compare and contrast the service provision for children and adults where mental ill health and well being is a factor. Analyze the role of the professional in terms of inter-professional working. Include an evaluation of factors which may influence the quality of life for people using the respective services. Critique the assignment and back up […]

What is the “whiteness” ideology? And how does it particularly associate to Brazil? In what ways have the “racial democracy” of Brazil been questioned? In what ways have the country proven this “identifier” to untrue?

“How the Epidemic of both Sexism and Racism Coexist with Brazil’s High Level of Violence” Preliminary Abstract: For this assignment I wanted to share my interest in the areas that have stood out to me throughout this course. Those two areas of interest being sexism and racism, because of the demographic that both these topics […]

We discussed in class that most anthropology is a social science but occasionally work is strongly scientific or strongly humanistic. What approach did the authors use? Explain what about the article indicates this.

Barlow, Dan. (2002). Diagnoses, dimensions, and DSM-IV: The science of classification. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100(3). 1. What is the general topic the authors studied? 2. What specific research question did the authors address? 3. What methods did the authors use to gather data? 4. We discussed in class that most anthropology is a social […]

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