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What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services?

Advertising world The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future. Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look […]

Discuss the work of Wolfgang Weingart and describe how his work changed as he transitioned from letterpress to photographic typography and offset printing.

Discuss the work of Wolfgang Weingart and describe how his work changed as he transitioned from letterpress to photographic typography and offset printing. Wolfgang Weingart was a Swiss designer originally worked with the letterpress. In his letterpress work, he experimented with typography pushing the limits of the letterforms. In 1981, Music Television (MTV) went on […]

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