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Pick a topic of your choice and analyze it with variables of your choice from the GSS.

Pick a topic of your choice and analyze it with variables of your choice from the GSS. This project will consist of the standard components of a research paper, with an introduction, literature review, data, methods, results, and discussion section.

If you are doing logistic regression, here are some helpful links:
How to do logistic regression: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/output/stata_logistic.htm

How to interpret odds ratios (the output you generally want to get from a logistic regression): http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/faq/oratio.htm
Things to try: interaction, transformation, spline, y-hat graph, etc. Don’t need to include it all, but at least one of these techniques would be good to see.

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