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Soaps: Write a memo to your stakeholder on the issue of interest from the problem.

  • My topic is about soaps.
    You will write a memo to your stakeholder on the issue of interest from the problem.
    Introduction and restatement of the problem, including the issue of interest.
    2. Summary of one scholarly article highlighting higher level ideas or processes only on the issue of interest (I will upload the file of scholarly article later)
    • Summarize the study and explain why it might be a useful example to help you and your stakeholder solve the problem.
    • For each resource, highlight why you trust the resource.
    3. Summary of 3 trade articles highlighting specific examples both on the issue of interest and/or on the industry or competitors. (I will upload the file of three trade articles later)
    • Summarize each example and explain why it might be a useful example to help you and your stakeholder solve the problem.
    • For each resource, highlight why you trust the resource.
    4. Summary of 2 Web resources (including trade associations) (from goole)
    • Summarize each example and explain why it might be a useful example to help you and your stakeholder solve the problem.
    • For each resource, highlight why you trust the resource
    5. Concluding paragraph and a request to meet for further discussion.
    6. Include a full list of work cited (APA or MLA, just be consistent) after the memo (see example) attached to assignment)
    The web resources can come from Google
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