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CJ 301 Criminology and Penology Annotated Bibliography Evaluation Rubric

CJ 301 Criminology and Penology Annotated Bibliography Evaluation Rubric
Corresponds to an A (90-100)
Corresponds to a B (80-89)
Corresponds to a C (70-79)
Corresponds to a D (60-69)
Corresponds to an F (59 and below)
Source Selection & Credibility
Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic; Sources add greatly to research potential; few, if any additional sources needed; Four or more media (e.g., book, journal, government document, website dissertation, etc. ) are represented. All sources are from credible, scholarly, current, materials
Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic; May require a small amount of additional research; Three media are represented. Most sources are from credible, scholarly, current materials
Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic; writer may need additional sources to complete research; Two media represented. Some sources are from credible, scholarly, current materials
Few sources chosen are relevant to the topic; writer may require significant additional research; Only one media represented. Few sources are from credible, scholarly, current materials
Sources are not relevant to topic; Sources necessitate extensive additional research. Sources lack credibility
__________ X 30%
Annotation & Evaluation
Annotations succinctly and comprehensively describe and summarize the source material; annotations offer great insight into the source material. Evaluation clearly explains the usefulness of sources chosen.
Most annotations are succinct; most comprehensively describe and summarize the source material; some offer insight into the source material. Most evaluations explain the usefulness of sources chosen.
Some annotations may be too short or too long; Annotations adequately describe and summarize the source material, but lack insight. Evaluation sometimes explains the usefulness of sources chosen.
Few annotations adequately describe and summarize the source material; annotations offer little insight. Evaluation mostly lacking in explaining the usefulness of sources chosen
Most annotations do not describe and summarize the source material; annotations offer no insight. Evaluation does not explain the usefulness of sources chosen.
__________ X 35%
Each source has a proper citation; All citations are complete; All are in the proper APA format.
Most sources have proper citation; Most citations are complete; Most are in the proper APA format.

Some sources have proper citation; Some citations are complete; some are in the proper APA format.

Few sources have a proper citation; Few citations are complete; few are in the proper APA format.
Very few sources have a proper citation; Very few citations are complete; Very few are in the proper APA format.
__________ X 15%
Mechanics, Grammar, & Proofreading
Virtually free from mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors; All of the assignment requirements were met.
Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader; the majority of assignment requirements were met.

Some significant errors are present, but the overall meaning is clear; about half of the assignment requirements were met.
Errors are distracting, but the meaning is still clear; only some of the assignment requirements were met.
Errors distract the reader, to the extent the meaning is unclear; the assignment requirements were not met.
__________ X 10%
Cover page and paper neatly typed and formatted according to assignment guidelines. Paper and electronic file submitted. E file attached in MS Word format with correct naming convention. Paper copy stapled.
Cover page and paper neatly typed and formatted according to assignment guidelines with few errors, E file attached in MS Word format with correct naming convention. Paper copy not stapled.
Cover page and paper typed and formatted with some errors according to assignment guidelines, E file attached in MS Word format with altered naming convention and/or paper copy not stapled.
Cover page and paper typed and formatted with several errors; format guidelines partially followed, electronic version in multiple files.
Cover page and paper not typed, or typed with numerous errors; format guidelines not followed, no electronic version submitted or submitted in format other than MS Word.
__________ X 10%
Interpretation of Overall Quality
Bibliography could be used to generate a comprehensive paper on the topic with excellent sources.
Bibliography provides sources to create an above average paper on the topic with better than average sources.
Bibliography provides sources to create an average paper on the topic with adequate sources.
Bibliography sources miss essential sources to create an adequate paper.
Bibliography sources would not create an informative paper on the topic.

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