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Keeping in mind microeconomic terms, read and analyze the attached article regarding prices of coffee and sugar. Start with a summary of the article, applying microeconomic terms.

  • Keeping in mind microeconomic terms, read and analyze the attached article regarding prices of coffee and sugar. Start with a summary of the article, applying microeconomic terms. DO NOT simply reiterate the article. Analyze the article and discuss points as related to microeconomics. Make a point as to whether you agree or disagree (prove or disprove) with the article. Graphs and charts are OK. Make sure to include a summary of your findings, including microeconomic terms as related to your article, including: factors of production (land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurship), global economy, market, demand, supply, substitute good, complement good, equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity, price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply, deadweight loss, black market, price floor, price ceiling, price support, subsidy, import, export, externalities, and any other microeconomic terms that might apply. Discuss how these actions affect the producers and consumers of coffee and sugar. Use Calibri font, size 12.

Most sources will be provided in attachments under the article folder, use only the articles provided and See attached guidelines for this paper. Please start from the file called Field Project Paper start, it is 11 pages long and this assignment is already in progress and I’m looking to have it finished and edited from this format/version. Stick to the APA format only. Read every instruction page uploaded before starting.

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