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Promote Five new shows for kids from age 4 till 13 and these shows will air on Netflix you have to use The social media to promote them as a campaign the social media that you will use are: Facebook (kid’s world) – Moms Blog – YouTube- Instagram.

You have to promote Five new shows for kids from age 4 till 13 and these shows will air on Netflix you have to use The social media to promote them as a campaign the social media that you will use are: Facebook (kid’s world) – Moms Blog – YouTube- Instagram
You will write messages for those social media with (likens – hashtags – pictures – video) for example at YouTube you will but the promo of the cartoon, for Instagram but picture with hashtags (#) etc..
The showed are: Danger Mouse, Inspector Gadget, Some Assembly Required, Bottersnikes & Gumbles and Super 4
The Campaigns are on April, May and June I will upload the calendar if it’s not enough to write the whole message just write a number and then one the word file write the messages. The messages have to be 48 messages 4 messages pear week each month 16 messages
Please use creative hashtags like #Edutement something good and creative
April 10 at the calendar has to be about a big event that Netflix will make and invite the CEO and the press media to open the shows and speak about them.
April 15 will start to air Danger Mouse
May 10 Inspector Gadget
May 20 Some Assembly Required
June 10 Bottersnikes & Gumbles
June 20 Super 4

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