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Which influence tactics do you use most often with your immediate boss, coworker, and direct report? (tactics with highest scores for each of the three) Why do you tend to rely on these particular tactics?

Complete the Influence Tactics Assessment – attached . This self-assessment is designed to help you understand different forms of influence when working with others (coworkers, bosses, peers, subordinates etc), as well as estimate your preference for each influence tactic in this context.  Complete this assessment three different times: one with your immediate boss in mind; the other with a coworker/peer in mind, and lastly with someone who reports to you/direct report in mind. Thinking about your own behavior over the past six months, how often did you engage in each of these behaviors to influence others?

1.      Which influence tactics do you use most often with your immediate boss, coworker, and direct report? (tactics with highest scores for each of the three) Why do you tend to rely on these particular tactics?

2.      Which tactics do you tend to use less often? (tactics with lowest scores for each of the three) Why?

3.      Comment on the effectiveness of the tactics you use with each of the three colleagues.

4.      Which tactics do you feel you need to work on?

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