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DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS IN YOUTH GANGS: Write a paper analyzing a major problem facing society in reference to the proliferation of gangs.


    Write a paper analyzing a major problem facing society in reference to the proliferation of gangs. Some examples might be the use and distribution of drugs, other crimes that gangs are involved with, prison gangs, youth gangs, and the growing influence of female gangs, socioeconomic factors affecting gangs and racial issues with gangs.

    An introduction must be provided to summarize and define your topic, including a clear statement of the problem or issue of concern. In addition, you need to select a theoretical framework for your issue and describe its relevance to the issue that you write about.

    The body of the paper must include summaries of current relevant research from a minimum of ten (10) credible sources, a discussion of the implications of proposed solutions for the gang problems, and your evaluation and conclusions regarding possible methods of managing or
    addressing the problem and your opinion on the issues raised—supported by research.

    The paper is expected to have content and thoughtful analysis on the topic on a graduate level.

    Sources should be a combination of scholarly works, textbook and primary sources. You are encouraged to add your own opinions; however, those opinions should be carefully considered, logical, and supported by evidence or outside rationale.

    Relate your subject to larger (broader) gang related issues as found in the course readings.

    USE THIS TEXTBOOK AS ONE OF THE TEN REFERENCES: Maxson, C.L., Egley, A., Miller, J., & Klein, M.W. (2014). The modern gang reader (4th ed).
    Roxbury Publishing Company, Los Angeles, CA.

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