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You have been asked to produce a leaflet that mentors within your organization can use when supporting new members of staff. Explain the teaching training role and responsibilities in education and training

  • Task A Information leaflet

    You have been asked to produce a leaflet that mentors within your organization can use when supporting new members of staff. The leaflet needs to outline some of your organization’s procedures and be a useful reference point. In this document you will:

    a) explain the teaching training role and responsibilities in education and training (ref.1.1)
    b) explain how the teaching/training role involves working with other professionals (ref. 3.1)
    c) explain the boundaries between the teaching/training role and other professional roles including points of referral to meet the needs of learners (ref. 3.2, ref. 3.3)
    d) summarize key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relevant to the role and responsibilities of your own professional role. (ref. 1.2)

    You can produce the information leaflet in any written format of your choice and may include tables, charts and diagrams where appropriate.

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