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Complete an analysis of the key internal factors that have implications for successful implementation of the united states postal service strategy and goals/objectives.

Complete an analysis of the key internal factors that have implications for successful implementation of the united states postal service strategy and goals/objectives. Submit your work in your assignment folder in the form of an approximate 2,000-word double-spaced APA-formatted paper. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count. You do not need to include an abstract.

Your paper should address these topics:

  1. Given the company’s Vision, Mission and Objectives (VMO), identify USPS core competencies and assess which ones are rare, costly, or not easily imitated. Discuss how they are related to and critical to the VMO execution.
  2. Present a summary of your USPS strengths and weaknesses. Submit the SWOT format in Table form and add in some narrative to discuss the strengths and weaknesses in more detail. Explain in your discussion (not in the table) why you selected them and how they relate to the VMO and organization strategy.
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