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Locate and review two articles related to diversity training development in organizations. Provide a review of these methods used to offer this training, as well as which learning style you feel was utilized in each of these training developments (cognitive, behavioral, or a mix of both)

Locate and review two articles related to diversity training development in organizations. Provide a review of these methods used to offer this training, as well as which learning style you feel was utilized in each of these training developments (cognitive, behavioral, or a mix of both).

Then, respond to the following scenario.

As part of your HR team, you need to implement diversity training to your group of 25 employees. Using information from these two articles and the textbook, discuss which training (from the articles) you would select for your diversity training development. Include a discussion of methods and learning styles you feel would best fit your diversity training development of 25 employees and reasons for this selection.

The articles should be at least three pages in length and no more than three years old. Your article should be a peer review article from an online database. Your article must be a good source and they must be reliable articles.

Your review and scenario discussion must be at least three pages in length. The reference and title page do not count towards the minimum page requirement. Use proper APA formatting for all sources, including articles and textbook.

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