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Conflict, Cohesion, Problem Solving, argumentation, and Decision Making Paper

  • Conflict, Cohesion, Problem Solving, argumentation, and Decision Making Paper
    Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper formatted according to APA guidelines, with at least four (4) direct quotations to the course materials. The paper must be organized according to the following categories:
    Select a focal subject from the above elements
    Define the terms
    Discuss the major points of the chapter
    Discuss how you would train a team to use these concepts effectively
    Discuss and experience at work (home, social organization) when these skills were or were not used effectively. What was the result?
    Sources for this paper:
    Go be teamish! (2003, August). Pulp & Paper, 77(8), 19.
    Pulling in the same direction. (2008, March). Director (00123242), 61(8), 40.
    Anonymous (2006, April). How to manage difficult ‘breeds’ in the workplace. HR Focus, 83(4), 5.
    Beagrie, S. (2006, May 23). How to improve your decision making. Personnel Today, 33.
    Gordon, J. (2002, September). A perspective on team building. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 2(1), 185.
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