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Critically analyze one of the potential resolutions you proposed in last week. What would be the challenges and barriers to implementing the resolution?

The last component of the Project involves the identification and critical analysis of a potential resolution to the identified problem. In this Assignment you will critically analyze one of the potential resolutions you proposed in last week. What would be the challenges and barriers to implementing the resolution?
To prepare:
Review the “Problem Solving Template , paying particular attention to the section on analyzing the solution.
Review the list of potential resolutions generated in last week and identify the resolution you deem most likely to address the identified problem.
Consider the following questions for the resolution you have selected:
o Is the resolution realistic?
o What are the consequences of the resolution, and who would be impacted?
o What would be the challenges and barriers to implementing the resolution?
The assignment:
Submit a 2-page description of the selected resolution with its advantages and disadvantages. Also explain challenges and barriers to its implementation.


Now that you have critically analyzed the problem/issue the next step is generating a solution.  Please review the following steps in creating the problem resolution for your identified problem/issues

Step 1 Identify the goal in developing a resolution.

Using the evacuation plan example, the goal would be to prevent the Hurricane Katrina disaster from occurring again by creating an effective, well developed evacuation plan.

Step 2

List as many possible solutions as you can generate.  They don’t all have to be effective, practical or realistic.  You can consider what other states have done in similar situations.

A short list of possible solutions for the evacuation plan for New Orleans: Have emergency management officials trained on a variety of evacuation plans from around the country prior to revising the plan for New Orleans

Develop evacuation plan drills for the city to practice the plan to ensure that it works properly.

Develop ways to educate/inform the entire city about the newly revised evacuation plan including how it works, maps on where people would go and how they would get there.

Step 3

For each possible solution discuss the advantages and disadvantages.  Is it a realistic solution? Is it manageable?  What are the costs and benefits of the solution? What are the challenges and barriers to the solution?

Using the example of evacuation drills for the city

This is probably not a realistic plan considering the size of the city.  It would be financially costly to do evacuation drills as the emergency prepared staff would have to be paid, the National Guard troops would have to be alerted.  It’s also probably unmanageable as it would require that the residents leave their jobs, and it would cause multiple traffic jams. Step 4Choose the resolution that seems best suited to work in alleviating the problem/issue to include in the capstone document.

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