- Write an essay based on these two books (Western Civilizations and Discovering the Western Past). General instructions: Each of these questions asks you to interpret an issue in history.
These questions do not have one right answer only; instead, you are asked to make an
argument and support your argument with specific examples. You will be graded on how
well you make your case, the kinds of evidence that you use to support your case, and the
thoughtfulness of your answer. I will take off up to ten percent of your total grade for the
answer for mistakes in spelling, grammar, or errors of fact, so be sure to check your work
carefully before turning it in. Your answers should generally be between four and seven
pages (double-spaced), but you may turn in longer answers without penalty.
In answering these questions, you should draw upon the course main textbooks (Western
Civilizations and Discovering the Western Past), class lectures and discussions, and
anything you may have learned from your critical book reviews that would be applicable.
Remember that the two main textbooks have both general discussions and specific
historical documents in them that may help you answer these questions.