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Do we need to fundamentally rethink the concept of IPR and develop a new policy/legal framework to ensure open technological progress?

  • Over the last five weeks we have discussed various topics connected to the social, organizational and individual effects of computing and network technologies. We have looked at the question of Intellectual Property Rights and technological progress through the cases of open source software and file sharing, we have looked at questions of democracy through issues of privacy and the transnational structure of business (outsourcing and supply chain) (and the whole new area of social media). Each of you have t return to the these discussions and readings and write a short 3-5 page reflection paper in response to any one of the following two questions:
    Do we need to fundamentally rethink the concept of IPR and develop a new policy/legal framework to ensure open technological progress?
    Do we need a new set of policies and legislation to ensure that Democracy is not compromised in the network age?
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