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Write a Definition Essay Outline about Civil Engineering.

Write a Definition Essay Outline about Civil Engineering.
A. Attention getter
1. You may want to include the traditional or dictionary definition here to provide a basis for your personal definition.
2. You may want to open with a contradictory image to what would be your image to illustrate that definition. (possibilities like what to do with the degree where to find jobs)
B. Thesis: State how you define the term. If you can write the definition using specific points, you will find the definition easier to follow when writing the paper.
II. Body
A. Background information: (education like what extra classes would help or give experience, what are the courses? How long it takes to get the degree)
1. Often unnecessary in this type of paper
2. However, you may need to provide some background about the term or your connection to the term.
B. Point one
1. The first part of your definition of the term. (daily experience like how many hours you work, what to do for the day)
2. Example to illustrate that point.
3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.
C. Point two
1. The second part of the definition of the term. (money, salary, what about the benefit? And after retirement)
2. Example to illustrate that point.
3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.
D. Point three
1. The third part of the definition (about the future? Why is this good a good fit?)
2. Example to illustrate that point.
3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.
III. Conclusion
A. Review your definition’s main points
B. Closing attention getter
1. Sometimes a reference back to the opening attention-getter is a good way of unifying the entire essay.


2. You may want to close with an explanation of how your definition has affected you.

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