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Describe the different theories that explain trade flows between nations • Discuss the implications that international trade theory has for business practice For this assignment, you will research on (cork production) in (Portugal) .

Purpose: This research paper is intended to assess your ability to:
• Describe the different theories that explain trade flows between nations
• Discuss the implications that international trade theory has for business practice
• Describe the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows
• Discuss the range of policy instruments that governments use to influence EDI.

For this assignment, you will research an industry(cork production) in a specific country(Portugal) in light of International Trade Theory covered in Chapter 6 of the textbook. The theory is to be critiqued in light of the industry. You also will apply the National Competitive Advantage: Porter’s Diamond (see page 181) to the industry to explain its development and success.(attached)

Action Items :

1. 1-Review the grading rubric (below) for this assignment.(attached)
2. Review the sample SPA paper in Academic Paper Guidelines (attached)
3. Research the following for your paper:
1. Your assigned industry and its history within the country.
2. How international trade theory fits the industry.
3. How international trade theory is used to explain a country’s competitiveness (Porter’s Diamond). You will need to address all four parts of the diamond.

4- Write a 6- to 7-page paper that addresses your research. At a minimum, your paper should have five sections that include an introduction, a section for each of three research topics in the Action Items, and a conclusion. You are to have at least six credible sources to support your paper with at least two of these from the MBA Journal List (Attached) Format the paper according to the Academic Paper Guidelines.(Attached)

Affluence of Poverty: Describe Peter Singers argument about the affluence of poverty.

Needs to be 300-500 words just describing Peter Singers argument about the affluence of poverty. Please read my attachments as it will give specifics.

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