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Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years, what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field, and how these decisions will impact the overall company.

Discuss some of the key issues to be aware of in IT (information technology) and the best practices to mitigate them.  Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years, what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field, and how these decisions will impact the overall company.  Examine […]

Produce a report on the financial position of a listed company of your choice using ratio analysis and any other analytical techniques you feel are appropriate.

Produce a report on the financial position of a listed company of your choice using ratio analysis and any other analytical techniques you feel are appropriate. Make a well supported recommendation EITHER to investors to buy, sell or hold the shares, OR to a major bank on whether to provide further lending.

Do you believe that unless criminal justice systems treat emerging adults differently than they treat other adult offenders then the states are essentially abusing the emerging adult offenders? Why?/Why not?

The Commonwealth of Kentucky is grappling with concerns about how to best handle to its young adult/ emerging adult offenders. Other states have similar concerns. Referring to DiLoreto’s (2014) law review article outlined the special circumstances or “responsibilities” that appertain to young adult/ emerging adult offenders. Please select ONE of the issues that DiLoreto highlighted. […]

Discuss the factors related to the idea of using for-profit, publicly-traded corporate entities to mete out punishment in the United States. What are some of the implications for the expansion of the prison industrial complex?

Discuss the factors related to the idea of using for-profit, publicly-traded corporate entities to mete out punishment in the United States. What are some of the implications for the expansion of the prison industrial complex? How have policies related to correctional goals and objectives been shaped over the past 10 years and who is responsible […]

Explain what executive functioning is, why its important, what happens when it’s fully developed, and how kids can develop those skills in an unstructured learning environment.

Write an article in favor of promoting the executive functioning skills in children. In your article you need to explain what executive functioning is, why its important, what happens when it’s fully developed, and how kids can develop those skills in an unstructured learning environment. What activities help children develop these skills? How can these […]

Based on what you find, determine whether the business is declining on account of an an external factor (i.e., shift in demographics, competition, consumer demand) or an internal factor (i.e., poor management, poor quality, lack of cost control).

Think of a brand you used to buy or a store where you used to shop that no longer exists. Do any of these names ring a bell?: Blockbuster, Radio Shack, Wachovia Bank, Circuit City? Businesses like these fade from memory soon after they close as the business environment replaces them with bigger, better, or […]

When and how have you taken personal responsibility and exceeded expectations to ensure success for yourself and/or others?

When and how have you taken personal responsibility and exceeded expectations to ensure success for yourself and/or others? Select one of our competencies and provide an example of when you think that you have effectively demonstrated that competency.

What are some strengths of the sample essay? Be specific and explain your views. What are the areas which the student needs to improve upon? Also, be specific and explain.

Discussion assignment. 1) What are some strengths of the sample essay? Be specific and explain your views. 2) What are the areas which the student needs to improve upon? Also, be specific and explain.

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