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Identify 4 sources that help frame and shape your understanding of the topic and address how you plan to answer the research question.

Question to Position For this assignment, you will begin to assemble a variety of sources that fit with your research topic proposal. We will use the BEAM Framework found in Ch. 13Links to an external site. Refer to the BEAM Reference Chart Links to an external site to help identify the types of sources and […]

List a few possible questions about your specific topic area. What? Who? When? Where? Why? How?

Research Topic Proposal Research Question Worksheet 1.  What topic, problem, or issue are you interested in? Do some background research to find out more about it. 2.  What specific part of the topic are you interested in? Break down topic ideas to categories. 3.  List a few possible questions about your specific topic area. What? […]

Diss of becon-Why was it important to include physicians?-Does seeing this impact your view of bacon?

Diss of becon It’s doesn’t take long watch TV to see that many fast food restaurants attempt to lure viewers with bacon. Bacon wasn’t always so popular, and the health concerns weren’t the same as they are now. So what fueled the rise of bacon? Watch the brief video below: http://wapo.st/28YGwWk Use the below questions […]

Filter Bubbles-In this discussion, write a short response (about 100 words) that either discusses how you have encountered filter bubbles in the past OR how you plan to navigate an information ecosystem that is seemingly designed to prevent you from seeing the full picture.

Filter Bubbles You already reflected on your own habits and practices of seeking out information. This week you watched Eli Pariser’s TED Talk “Beware Online ‘Filter Bubbles.’” (Links to an external site.) The main challenge is that filter bubbles prove why we are right and demonstrate why the other side is clearly wrong (many of […]

Locate 4 more sources/articles that are about the same topic via online (Galileo/Reese Library = https://www.augusta.edu/library/reese/) search or references found within the article you initially chose. Read the new articles.

EDTD 6381 Module 5 – Annotated Bibliography Purpose: An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project. An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source. Audience: This assignment should […]

Conduct a literature review of a specific mindfulness treatment (e.g., MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-C, ACT, DBT) and a health outcome.

TASK Conduct a literature review of a specific mindfulness treatment (e.g., MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-C, ACT, DBT) and a health outcome. This health outcome is up to you. It can be a physical diagnosis, mental health diagnosis, or something relevant to your specific treatment (e.g., sports health outcomes, work health, etc.). Note, if you choose a […]

Restate your argument from the introduction in different words.  Briefly summarize each main point found in the body of the paper (avoid going over 2 sentences for each point). 

Research/Argument Paper Assignment Part 1 of 2 Pick a topic that you used in your bibliography assignment. Create a research paper based on that topic.  You can bring in other references, if you like.  The paper must follow APA guidelines, include a title page, reference page. The body must be 3-5 pages in length. Here […]

Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico).

Federalism: Mexico Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico). You may explore issues such as: Federalism Examples Admit new states Conduct elections Declare and engage in war Determine the qualifications of voters Establish and maintain schools Govern marriage laws Levy […]

Analyze the differences between inline and in-person counseling and therapy through research about the efficacy of online therapy during the transition away from in person therapy during COVID-19

Differences between online and in-person counseling and therapy Analyze the differences between inline and in-person counseling and therapy through research about the efficacy of online therapy during the transition away from in person therapy during COVID-19. Your paper must be based on a minimum of ten recent scientific references (since 2012). Write a 6 to […]

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