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Explain how you have demonstrated the dispositions or ethics in a professional setting, which could include a workplace, school setting, community setting, or volunteering

PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS AND ETHICS The development of the School of Education (SOE) Professional Dispositions and Ethics for Next-Gen candidates strengthens the educational experience and conveys the SOE’s commitment to teaching, learning, and leading to the greater professional community. This professional dispositions and ethics work at WGU is supported by the “primary critical Healthy Learning focus […]

Create an assessment plan describing how you will conduct formative assessments while students are creating the project, along with a summative assessment.

TASK In Topic 4, you created a wax museum project for your students. In order to modify, strengthen, and adjust instruction as students are creating the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively assess students. Additionally, create a summative assessment for the students. Part 1: Assessment Plan For this assignment, you will […]

Explain how you have demonstrated the dispositions or ethics in a professional setting, which could include a workplace, school setting, community setting, or volunteering

PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS AND ETHICS The development of the School of Education (SOE) Professional Dispositions and Ethics for Next-Gen candidates strengthens the educational experience and conveys the SOE’s commitment to teaching, learning, and leading to the greater professional community. This professional dispositions and ethics work at WGU is supported by the “primary critical Healthy Learning focus […]

What ethical guidelines or professional standards apply to the situation and can guide you in your decision-making?

Discussion Board For this week’s Discussion, review the scenarios and ethical dilemmas below*. Select an issue of interest to you and conduct a search for additional information in the Walden Library or on the Internet related to the issue you selected that could guide your response. Then, consider the following: What ethical issues or implications […]

Describe at least 3 challenges or symptoms that may impact the development of their speech and language skills.

Connections to Speech Using information from class discussions, textbooks, websites, and/or journals, create a project in any of the following formats (only select one, you don’t need to do all of them). PowerPoint Presentation: Must be at least 7 slides, keep the font, size, and color consistent. Do not copy and paste directly from your […]

Define dynamic pump and briefly state its characteristics and working principle-Compare between dynamic and positive displacement pumps.

Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Jeddah ENME 457:  Pumps & Hydraulics (SEM-III 2022-23) Assignment 1: Fluid power, fluid machinery & Fundamentals of pump Part A: Fluid Power Define the term fluid power. Explain any five benefits of fluid power for the users. Compare between a hydraulic and a pneumatic systems. […]

Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practices. Consider how you communicate the information for non-native English-speaking families.

Assessing English Language Learners Communication with families of ELLs can be challenging but it is vital for student success and family engagement. Many families may be unfamiliar with the standard practices of education in this country. Understanding assessment and how assessment data is used can be particularly difficult to discuss depending on the families’ previous […]

Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for your leadership team that explains your plan.

Shaping School Culture by Living the Vision and Mission Carefully creating a school’s vision and mission statements, then seeing that those vision and mission statements are visible and provide a foundation for all school-related decision-making and actions, are key to creating a stable, supportive school culture. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate strategies […]

Write a summary over the following journal article, How Academic Administrators Can Improve Online Learning.

TASK Write a summary over the following journal article, How Academic Administrators Can Improve Online Learning: The Faculty Experience. The link to the article is below: How Academic Administrators Can Improve Online Learning: The Faculty Experience

What do you think the author is trying to tell people about his/her experience with disability?

Memoir Provide a summary of the book, including the main characters and main events. What do you think the author is trying to tell people about his/her experience with disability? Analyze the author’s main message and integrate course material. Think about different models of disability (medical, social, ableist, etc…) covered in this class. What model […]

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