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Legal Environment of Business-What is meant by Necessaries and what is the reason that minors only enjoy limited capacity to contract? Provide examples.

Legal Environment of Business (low101)             Discussion post (100 words) and one response to peer. In our study of chapter 16 we learned that minors (those under the age of 18) have only limited capacity to contract.  Explain the exception to this rule as it relates to contracts for Necessaries.  […]

Using the knowledge from the Class Resources, evaluate the management of the project for time, scope and resources.

Company Law (Complex Project) Provide an example of the most complex project that you have been involved with (either professionally or personally). Using the knowledge from the Class Resources, evaluate the management of the project for time, scope and resources.

Create a company and give a brief overview of what you produce and how you will set up your supply chai

ASSIGNMENT Create a company and give a brief overview of what you produce and how you will set up your supply chain. Address the following topics: global dimensions, role of logistics, distribution and omni-channel network design, demand management, order management and customer service, supply chain performance measurement and financial analysis, supply chain technology and managing […]

Write substantial arguments about the specific law that influences the actions of the partners (A & B) in the given case

Fix the report Assessment Task You are required to write an assignment of 2000 words. The case given below is the base of your coursework. Clearly understand the case. Critically analyse it before you start writing your coursework paper. Answer the set tasks in a well organised manner. Case Study: You are required to help […]

Demand letter-In your initial post, you will write a short demand letter.

Demand letter In your initial post, you will write a short demand letter. You need only write the body of the letter; you do not need to include other parts of a formal business letter. (Include the body of the letter in your post; you do not need to upload an attachment.) In your response […]

Research and draft a position paper focusing on legal and/or ethical issues pertaining to the area of Media Censorship, particularly with online censorship.

Law Question Research and draft a position paper focusing on legal and/or ethical issues pertaining to the area of Media Censorship, particularly with online censorship. You will search for recent cases/matters related to the topic and analyze the case(s) from existing practice. Each paper will be typed, double-spaced, and a minimum of 5 pages. You […]

Write a short essay that provides a summary and analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision in the following case: R v Labaye, (2005) SCC 80, [2005] 3 SCR 728.

ASSIGNMENT Write a short essay that provides a summary and analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision in the following case: R v Labaye, (2005) SCC 80, [2005] 3 SCR 728.  (The case can be downloaded from the Assignment 2 folder on Brightspace.  Please note that the copy of the case uploaded on Brightspace has been edited […]

What are some practices by some of your colleagues that you have witnessed in your work, or school that make you think that one day it will pose a vulnerability or security risk to your network and why?

INSS Cybersecurity Part A Choose a topic that you find interesting from the week 2 reading materials that is also in the study notes, then read up on the topic. You can focus on content in your textbook and you can also conduct a Web search on the topic if you like. Next, after reading […]

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