Part I. Green Clean
1. The strengths of the plaintiff’s negligence claim against CG;
2. Potential defenses, if any, CG could assert in the negligence claim;
3. The strengths of the plaintiff’s product liability claim against CG;
4. Jurisdiction issues if CG was sued in North Carolina.
Part II. Authorized Distributor
5. The strengths of the plaintiff’s negligence claim against AD;
6. Potential defenses, if any, AD could assert in the negligence claim;
7. The strengths of the plaintiff’s product liability claim against AD;
8. Whether, if AD is found liable for negligence and for product liability, AD could sue GC to recover damages paid to the plaintiff?
Label all parts.
Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format.
Use in-text citations and a Reference List in SPA format.
Support and explain all conclusions.
Write an in-depth, comprehensive analysis.
To: Winnie James, Ralph Anders
From: (Your Name)
Re: Liability Analysis
Part I.