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Analyze an Article from Atlantic Monthly or New York Times. Write 150 words for this entry.

Part 1: Analyze a TED Talk.  Write 300 words for this entry.

Choose one of the following TED talks to analyze in terms of cause and effect relationships.  When I say “analyze” I want you to identify two causes and one effect or one cause and two effects.  After you’ve done that, I then want you to explain why these relationships are important.  The relationships may be positive or negative.   This must be written in third person, not first person.   

Be VERY CLEAR about what the cause and effect are in each video.  I don’t mind if you write it out like this:

Cause:  Poverty

Effect: Child’s performance in school

Effect:  Increased possibility of out-of-wedlock pregnancy

Don’t be afraid to be simple when identifying a cause or an effect. Sometimes cause and effect relationships are simple, it is just that you want to give analysis of why this matters.

TED talks to choose from:

Option 1: Angela Duckworth “Grit: the Power of Passion and Perseverance”


Option 2: Sherry Turkle “Connected but Alone” 

Option 3:  Barry Schwartz Speech “Our Loss of Wisdom” 


Option 4: Ken Robinson “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” 

Play Video

Option 5: Kelly McGonigal “How to Make Stress Your Friend”

Part 2: Analyze an Article from Atlantic Monthly or New York Times.  Write 150 words for this entry.

Choose an article from the Atlantic Monthly or New York Times to analyze in terms of cause and effect relationships.    When I say “analyze” I want you to identify two causes and one effect or one cause and two effects.  After you’ve done that, I then want you to explain why these relationships are important.  The relationships may be positive or negative. This must be written in third person, not first person.

New York Times:       https://www.nytimes.com/

Atlantic Monthly:

But for now, choose a new topic for the sake of brainstorming and critical thinking.

You may choose any article from Atlantic Monthly or NYT.  Here are some suggestions:

“Finland’s School Success” by Anu Partanen on page 976 in your textbook

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr on page 735 in your textbook

“The Death of the Party”  by Teddy Wayne


“How Late Night Comedy Fueled the Rise of Trump” by Caitlin Flanagan


“How Loneliness Wears on the Body” by Jessica Lahey


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