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Construct a plan for this project, complete with milestones and have this approved by your professor to ensure you are on the right track with your assignment.

(275 points – 75 Points-Info graphic, 75 points -Virtual or live presentation, 125 points-term paper) –

As a part of this Organizational Behavior Class, students will need to complete a major term project on a project they define that is related to Organizational Behavior and the SLO’s for this class.

Each person and/or team will conduct a Consulting project with an actual organization. They will use the tools they learn in this class to Identify & Analyze, Reflect & Consult with them across an area of their business. This could be evaluating any of the processes/areas we cover in this class:

  1. The effectiveness of their management process
  2. Organizational Culture & Innovation
  3. Team formation and performance
  4. Motivation and performance
  5. Decision making and Creativity
  6. Conflict
  7. Communications
  8. Power & politics
  9. Leadership process and effectiveness
  10. Organizational structure and design

You will construct a plan for this project, complete with milestones and have this approved by your professor to ensure you are on the right track with your assignment.

Your assignment will consist of:

  • Physical observation of the work unit/company
  • Interview(s) and/or a survey with key leaders/some employees for data collection.
  • You will be a student of the behavior and process and use that data to Identify and Analyze what’s working well/could be improved.
  • You will then use the Reflect and Consult lens to pull together 1-page infographic on what you found that could help someone interested in doing this well. (e.g., data around what you found, steps to doing this well, etc.).

See these examples of info graphics here). Just google it…….

  • You will paper on your process and findings and then do a short virtual (or live on campus) presentation as if back to the “client” on what you discovered and what you’d recommend to them as an organizational consultant.
  • You will present your findings to the client, and I will send them a survey to get feedback on your work with them and include this as part of your grade.

Upload your INFO GRAPHIC summarizing your key data findings and story.

Can you write the script for video

Upload your FINAL PROJECT VIDEO Presentation Here.  See the attached docs for options. You may use PANOPTO (share with the class – I am the only one who see’s it), or a LINK to a private YOUTUBE, VIMEO Chanel where you uploaded it or a .MOV file that is stored somewhere that IS accessible to me like DropBox or Box.

Interview Questions

Diamond Athletics – Questions For Interview:
1.      Hours of operation / # of employees?
Friday-Sunday by appointment only
M-T 330-9. Tournaments and competitions are on the weekend.
2.      Services Offered?
Dance & Cheer-recreational and competitive 2-adult, tumbling 4+ all levels
Baseball & Softball- Lessons & select teams

3. How did you go about starting the business?
During grad school, we started officially coming up with our business plan. Both Kelli and I have a lifetime of experience in what we offer. Her parents have successfully owned businesses for over 35 years and have served as our mentors.
4. What would you differently?
We have been stung several times by contractors who have done carpentry work and did not honor work that had been paid for. If we could go back in time, we would have put more in legal writing to protect us from the financial losses due to those unethical and fraudulent contractors.

5. What challenges did you encounter in that process?
There’s been several uphill battles along the way, that’s business. In addition to legal battles with the contractors who built our new facility,  trusting and believing those who started with us would be loyal to the program. There is a huge following of families who wouldn’t consider going anywhere else but people have that right to choose where they train. Most who have left end up quitting their sport or end up coming back. Everyone who has come back has said they realized the grass wasn’t greener. It has been a challenge putting 110% into our students and no matter what we give the program, we don’t always receive loyalty in return. However, we will always give our students our best. That is what will always help us to stand out against the competition.
6. What advice would you give to a person starting the same enterprise?
Always be ethical, honest and passionate about what you’re offering. Many start a business for the money and while that is part of the goal, that shouldn’t be the top priority or focus. You have to really love what you do because business is a tough world. Lastly, always be honest and you will reap what you sow.
7. What factors would you credit for the success of the organization?
Our faith is number one. We prayed a lot before we started DA and have continued to keep Christ center of our decisions. We are the only open Christ-centered organization that we openly pray and do bible studies with our students.
8.I need verbal permission to take pictures or use pictures from your website – This will be for the final presentation and the infographic part of this project

You may use our photos and website for your project.
9.Email address; she will be email a survey to you get feedback on my work with you and will be

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