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Create a pivot table showing each restaurant, Skyline, The Bistro, The Brewseum, and the Grillenium, together with information breakdown of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

BBHM108: Assessment 1 Microsoft Word
This assessment has two parts, a practical assessment of your Microsoft Word (Word) skills, and a short reflective report describing your experiences using Word in a hospitality environment.
The Brief
Roma Eventi, a conference provider in Rome, specialises in providing conference spaces for a wide variety of clients. Their website is http://www.roma-eventi.com/eng/fontana-ditrevi/index.html.
Roma Eventi has been approached by, Mr. Lorenzo Azzará, representing a group of Opticians called Ottica Avéntino, requiring conference space for their upcoming annual conference. They will have 30 delegates attending.
You are encouraged to use Roma Aventi’s website to research the capability of your
company to meet the client’s requirements.
Client Requirements
• Date for the is 10th – 11th September 2018
• Examine your company’s website (http://www.roma-eventi.com/eng/fontana-ditrevi/ index.html), and make recommendations to the client
• Number of delegates: 30
• Number of days: 2
• Groups: Day 1, all 30 delegates in one room, set up as classroom style
• Groups: Day 2, two rooms will be required for 15 delegates in each room, also set up as classroom style.
• Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea are required
• A reception desk is required for registration and name tags
• Lectern and audio/visual equipment required for the 2 days
• Flyer, A3 landscape
• A dinner on the final day is needed for 30 people
Your supervisor at Roma Eventi, Marco Russo, has asked you to prepare:
A. Introduction letter to the client, including a promotional flyer
B. Formal Proposal letter to the client
C. Costs, terms and conditions of the venue hire (save as PDF)
D. Invoice for the event
E. Final night dinner seating plan from hand drawn sketch
A. Introduction letter to client
You must create a formal introduction letter to your client, including the following information. The information detailed below is mandatory, but you may include further
information as you see fit.
Open the Word document that has been supplied to you called Introduction.docx and make the following modifications.
• Place the company letterhead picture, using the company logo at the top centre of the document. The picture is supplied (eventi-logo.jpg)
• Use the style guide provided for format the letter correctly.
• Use the letter to introduce yourself, give contact details, and advise the potential client that a formal quote will follow in a few days.
• Ensure all errors are corrected.
• Save the document as a Word Template
• On the last page of the document, prepare a promotional flyer, showcasing your conference centre
B. Formal Proposal Template to client
This document must set out all the details which the client will require in order to make an informed decision. This document, proposal.dotx will be supplied to you as a Word Template, thus ensuring you complete all the information necessary.
You must visit the conference centre’s website, http://www.roma-eventi.com/eng/fontanadi- trevi/index.html, and search for all the information required in the template. It is important that you ensure you choose the cheapest options for the client.
Once completed and formatted to your satisfaction, save the document as proposal.docx.
C. Costs, Terms and Conditions of the Venue Hire
You will require to open a text document called conditions.txt. This document has all the costs, terms, and conditions of the venue hire. This document is in a TXT format, so must be converted into a Word document, and the venue’s style guide must be applied.
No changes to wording of the document is necessary.
Save the document as conditions.docx.
D. Invoice for the Event
The invoice document that was currently used by Roma-Eventi is old and obsolete. You have been asked to create a new invoice template. You are to use a MS Word template called “Invoice (Timeless design) and apply the following modifications to this document.
• Apply the Roma-Eventi logo to the template, top right. The logo is eventi-logo.jpg.
• Change the words in your invoice as to customise it for events invoicing.
o “SHIP TO” change to “ROOM” “CONTACT NAME”
o “QUANTITY” change to “ROOM STYLE”
o “DESCRIPTION” change to “NUMBER ATTENDING” (maximum number of people)
o Remove “Shipping & Handling completely
• Students are encouraged to make as many changes as they feel are necessary.
Completing optional instructions can lead to higher marks for this assignment.
E. Seating Plan for Dinner
The final document that you are required to prepare is a seating plan for a dinner.
The person who is organising the dinner for your client, Allesandro D’Angelo, has drawn a seating plan. This seating plan (PDF document) is provided as part of your assessment resources and is called “seating sketch.pdf”.
You must use MS Word’s Shapes to create a professional looking seating plan, with the following features.
• Make the plan suing an A4 page in landscape orientation.
• Your plan must resemble the hand-drawn plan which has been provided to you. It will be a “U” shape.
• The head of the table will comprise of four people
• Two tables either side of the head table will have 13 people on each one, as per the drawing.
• You must write the names of the people sitting in each position by using a “call out”.
• Create each of the three tables using shapes.
• Put a heading for the table plan us follows:
Ottica Avéntino Seating Plan
End of conference dinner
Written Assessment Instructions
Prepare a 300-word report (short report format) reflecting on the use of Microsoft Word (MS Word) for this project. Some things you may consider, but not limited to, are:
• How MS Word has made your job creating the documents easier or harder
• The pros and cons of using templates
• The pros and cons of using documents that are converted to PDF documents
• Is MS Word suitable for use in hospitality and why/why not?
• Rationale for the design of your final documents. Why have you:
o Used a font or colour?
o Prepared the document in the way you have?
BBHM108: Assessment 2 Microsoft Excel
This assessment has two parts, a practical assessment of your Microsoft Excel (Excel) skills,
and a short reflective report describing your experiences using Excel in a hospitality environment.
The Brief
As a manager based in a large international hotel, part of your responsibilities is to collate statistical information, format them in order to extract relevant information.
You will be given a number of statistical sheets of data, some Excel, Text etc., which need to be placed into an Excel worksheet.
Instructions will be given for you to format the worksheets, apply formulas and functions, charts, pivot tables and a dashboard.
In a few instances, you will be simply asked to solve a problem, without exact instructions.
There may be several ways to solve the same problem.
Once the information has been extracted, you must prepare a PowerPoint presentation as
per specifications.
Assessment Instructions
Brief Summary of Tasks
A. Excel spreadsheet to be create encompassing a variety of documents which will be supplied. Within this spreadsheet a number of worksheets are to be created.
B. A Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint) file to be prepared for a presentation to staff. SKILLS STUDENTS CAN DISPLAY IN THE REPORT.
1. Copy spreadsheet information from different sources.
2. Follow the rules of planning a spreadsheet
3. Style guide
4. Formulas & functions
a. Count and CountA
b. Summation
c. Average
d. percentages
5. Background image
6. Format numbers
7. Create a dashboard which summarises information
a. Pivot Tables and pivot charts
b. What if goal seek analysis
c. Charts
d. Dashboard dials: empty/full
8. What if Analysis
9. Formatting data sets so they are easier to read
10. Conditional formatting
11. Create an information page
12. Using styles such as calculation style etc.
13. Autofill series of numbers
14. Absolute, relative and mixed references and their application.
15. Lookup functions
16. Combination charts
Practical Assessment Instructions
A. Create Excel Spreadsheet
You have been sent a number of documents containing statistical information. The documents are in order of importance. They are:
1. kpi.txt
2. product metrics data.txt
3. pivot table.xlsx
Each of these documents require a different worksheet.
Instructions for each document
1. KPI.txt
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) software enables businesses to create, manage and analyze data from KPI data.
This type of spreadsheet allows businesses to visualise and comprehend data from a number of KPI’s that represent different areas of the hotel, all in one place. Hotels benefit from KPI spreadsheets through faster and more accurate data collection, instant reports on performance, and alerts when a KPI is over or under achieving. The KPI spreadsheet centralises data, while simplifying real-time reporting to always give the department, and the hotel, a competitive edge.
You are required to use the text file called KPI.txt.
Please follow the instructions below, some instructions are mandatory, and some are optional. Completing optional instructions can lead to higher marks for this assignment.
• Import the text file KPI.txt into a new Excel worksheet, starting at cell reference A1. Save the worksheet as an Excel spreadsheet, using your name, last name then first name. For example, if your name was John Smith, you would name your excel file as SmithJohn.xlsx.
• Format the worksheet and data so the information is clear and easy to read. Use fonts, colour and worksheet formatting.
• The numbers contained in the cell range C4 to J10 and N4 to O10 are all currency values. Format them as currency with no decimal places. Also ensure that all negative values in this range appear as red with brackets around the number ($1,234).
• Add the values of all cells from C4 to J14
• In cell K14, calculate the average percentage (%) of the gross profit margin
• In cell L14, calculate the average percentage (%) of the net profit margin
• Create a new worksheet called “dashboard”.
• In the dashboard worksheet, create two charts as follows:
o A clustered bar chart showing the information from the “budget section” to include the data from the goals and actual column (C4 to D13).
o A clustered bar chart showing the information from the “revenue section” to include the data from the goals and actual column (H4 to I13).
2. Product Metrics Data
• Import the text file “product metrics data.txt” into your existing excel spreadsheet that you created in step 1, using a new worksheet.
• Format the worksheet and data so the information is clear and easy to read. Use fonts, colour and worksheet formatting.
• Calculate the average revenue for Floor 1. The formula must be placed in cell B15.
• Then calculate the average revenue in all cells from C15 to J15.
• In cell B16, create a formula to calculate the percentage of the cell above it (B15) of the total annual revenue.
• This step requires you to add another two charts to the “dashboard” using data from the “product metrics data”.
o Create a “Stacked Column” chart for Product Revenue. The raw data is N11. The chart title will be Product Revenue.
o Choose the most suitable chart for the information contained within the revenue breakdown (B16 to I16). The chart title will be Revenue Breakdown
o Format the charts in any way you wish, keeping in mind style and readability.
• In the cell A29, use a formula to determine the number of entries are in the Product
Revenue between January and December, cells C4 to N11.
• You are required to calculate the best way to display the GST for row 15. The GST
value may change, but for now it will be 12.5%.
3. Pivot Table.xlsx
• Open the Excel spreadsheet called Pivot Table.xlsx.
• The table contains 3,456 rows of information. As such, it is very difficult to format useful information due to the large amount of data. Pivot tables make this task much easier. Please complete the following tasks:
o Create a pivot table showing each restaurant, Skyline, The Bistro, The Brewseum, and the Grillenium, together with information breakdown of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The table must show three main headings, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Under each main heading, please put the four restaurants. Then, the total amount of sales for each restaurant.
The pivot table will be similar to the one below
Skyline Restaurant $0.00
The Bistro $0.00
The Brewseum $0.00
The Grillenium $0.00
The follow the same format for Lunch and Dinner.
o Create a pivot table showing each staff member, and how much each member has sold for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The pivot table will be similar to the one below
Anna Smith
Breakfast $0.00
Lunch $0.00
Dinner $0.00
The repeat this for the other staff members
o The final pivot table must show how much money has been collected for each type of payment, EFTPOS, cash, and mobile device.
Written Assessment Instructions
Prepare a MS PowerPoint presentation detailing the rationale for the choices you have made using Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) for this project. Some things you may consider, but not limited to, are:
• Reflect on the formulas you have chosen to us
• Reflect on your design choices
• How does the dashboard help your reporting requirements for management.
• Are Pivot tables helpful in your reporting requirements? How?
• What features have you incorporated in your spreadsheets that were not mandatory, and why have you included them?
• This PowerPoint presentation will be a combination of slides and notes. The slides should be professional looking. This is no minimum or maximum number of slides.
• The notes will hold all the information for your assignment (your rationale), which must be within the word limit, that is, 600 words. The words in your notes section of your slides will be collated and counted to determine your word count.
• Words used in the visual slides will not be counted.
• Typically, your slides will have minimal words. The word will be prompts for a future presentation to your peers.

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