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Describe individual, couple, family, group, school, and community strategies for working with and advocating for diverse populations, including multicultural competencies.

CMHC KPIs, ASLOs & Dispositions 5/19/18 1
PYCL 632 – Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
Faculty systematically assesses each student’s progress by examining a combination of knowledge and skills. Key performance indicators are course tasks, activities, or assignments selected by faculty to assess student learning in core content areas of the counseling curriculum. Key performance indicators are measured multiple times and at different points in time during the student’s master’s program.
This course has been identified as partially fulfilling one of the eight core content areas of the counseling curriculum, Social and Cultural Diversity. The following content area objectives are addressed within this course via the designated Key Performance Indicator task described below.
1. Understand and learn the cultural, ethical, economic, legal, and political issues surrounding
diversity, equity, social justice, and best practices to foster client’s self-helping behaviors. [2.
F. 2. a., F. 2. e.]
2. Describe individual, couple, family, group, school, and community strategies for working
with and advocating for diverse populations, including multicultural competencies. [2. F. 2. c.]
3. Examine counselors’ roles in developing personal and professional cultural self-awareness,
promoting cultural social justice, advocacy and conflict resolution, and other culturally supported behaviors that promote optimal wellness and growth of the human spirit, mind, and
body. [2. F. 2. f., F. 2. g]
4. Explore the effects of power and privilege for counselors and clients. [2. F. 2. e.]
Students will demonstrate competency via successful completion of the following key performance
indicator required task:
Key Performance Indicator Assignment: Ethnographic Interview Paper
PYCL 632 Required KPI Assignment: Ethnographic Interview Paper (20 points)
For the ethnographic interview students are asked to interview a person who is culturally different from you (e.g., age, race/ethnic background, socioeconomic and/or occupational status, ability, etc.). The interview will be conducted in a specific format. Students are to prepare a set of questions that would fall under the broad content areas stated below prior to meeting with the interviewee. During the interview, keep notes that will be useful in writing the final 7 to 10-page paper about the interviewing experience.
The paper must be written in APA style and format (i.e., title page, abstract, etc.) and have at least 3 scholarly sources (no older than 10 years) to support your writing. Scholarly sources are journals and books, no websites or brochures.
The following broad content areas must be addressed during the interview. In writing your paper, please organize it using these broad content areas as major headings and using your interview questions as subheadings under these areas. The broad content areas to cover are:
1. Demographic information of the interviewee (e.g., age, gender, SES, ethnicity, etc.)
2. Background (e.g., place of birth, childhood and experiences growing up, education, work,
marriage, children, religion, etc.)
3. Cultural identity [e.g., with which culture interviewee identifies, what are the characteristics of
his/her culture, norms, worldview (from the perspective of your interviewee); when and why
cultural identity became important – or not]
4. Positive and damaging lived experiences from belonging to this group (from the interviewee’s
point of view, including stereotypes, cultural pride, etc.)
5. Benefits and barriers of belonging to this group in relation to the dominant culture.
CMHC KPIs, ASLOs & Dispositions 5/19/18 2
6. Other (areas and questions that student interviewer may deem important to cover).
In writing the final paper, in addition to summarizing the information gathered during the interview by addressing the broad content areas above, reflect on the following 4 areas and create headings in the paper to address them. Also don’t forget to add a formal introduction and conclusion to the final paper.
1. Reflect on what you learned as a result of interviewing this individual. Specifically, what are the
differences in acculturation and values between you (the counselor) and the interviewee (the
2. Reflect on your own biases, prejudices, and racist attitudes existing before the interview and how
they might have or have not changed as a result of interviewing this individual. What challenges
would you face in counseling this individual?
3. Discuss your plan to advocate for and support this individual/group of individuals given what
you learned about the interviewee’s challenges, damaging experiences, and limitations within
our society.
4. Discuss specific culturally-adaptive interventions that are recommended when working with this
group of individuals (support this with scholarly findings in the literature).
A rubric for this assignment can be found at the end of the syllabus. Students must receive at least a 70% to receive a passing grade. A student who scores less than 70% of the grade on the KPI
assignment must complete an Individual Remediation Plan with the instructor. Failure to successfully remediate the KPI assignment will result in a F (Fail) grade in the course.
CMHC KPIs, ASLOs & Dispositions 5/19/18 3
The “Ethnographic Interview Paper” assignment is used as a Key Performance Indicator for the
common core area of “Social and Cultural Diversity.”
Criterion Not Met =
0 points
Met =
2 points
Exceeded =
2.5 points
1. Demographic,
and Cultural
Information of
the Interviewee
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
include any
information about
the interviewee.
Student included
some information
about the interviewee
but not all required
Student included all
required information about
the interviewee, including
demographic, background,
and cultural identity
2. Positive and
Damaging Lived
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
discuss positive and
damaging lived
experiences of the
Student discussed
positive or damaging
lived experiences of
the interviewee, but
not both.
Student discussed positive
and damaging lived
experiences of the
interviewee. Student asked
additional questions
related to this content area
to gain a broader
understanding of the lived
experiences of the
3. Benefits and
Barriers of
Belonging to this
Cultural Group
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
discuss benefits and
barriers faced by
the interviewee due
to belonging to
his/her cultural
Student discussed
benefits or barriers
faced by the
interviewee due to
belonging to his/her
cultural group, but
not both.
Student discussed benefits
and barriers faced by the
interviewee due to
belonging to his/her
cultural group. Student
asked additional questions
related to this content area
to gain a broader
understanding of the
benefits and barriers faced
by the interviewee.
4. Reflection on
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
discuss lessons
learned as a result
of this interview.
Student discussed
some lessons learned
as a result of this
Student discussed lessons
learned as a result of this
interview. Student
reflected on the
differences in
acculturation and values
between self and the
5. Reflection on
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
reflect on his/her
own biases,
prejudices, and
racist attitudes
Student reflected on
his/her own biases,
prejudices, and racist
attitudes existing
before the interview,
Student reflected on
his/her own biases,
prejudices, and racist
attitudes existing before
the interview, and on how
CMHC KPIs, ASLOs & Dispositions 5/19/18 4
existing before the
and on how they
might have (or not)
changed as a result of
interviewing this
they might have (or not)
changed as a result of
interviewing this
individual. Student
reflected on the challenges
he/she might encounter if
counseling this individual.
6. Advocacy
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
include a plan to
advocate for and
support the
interviewee and
their cultural group.
Student included a
plan to advocate for
and support the
interviewee or their
cultural group, but
not both.
Student included a plan to
advocate for and support
both the interviewee and
their cultural group.
7. Culturally-
(2.5 points max)
Student did not
discuss culturallyadaptive
interventions that
are appropriate
when working with
the interviewee’s
cultural group.
Student discussed
interventions that are
appropriate to use
when working with
the interviewee’s
cultural group.
Student discussed
interventions that are
appropriate to use when
working with the
interviewee’s cultural
group. Student used at
least three scholarly
references from the
literature to support the
use of these interventions.
8. Formatting,
APA Style, and
(2.5 points max)
Student’s paper did
not include proper
APA style of
writing or outside
Student’s paper
followed some of the
APA style of writing
and included 3
scholarly sources.
Student’s paper included
proper APA style. More
than 5 additional current
and relevant scholarly
sources were cited.
Total grade for the assignment (20 of 100 total points for the course or 20% of your total
course grade):
* All students must pass the KPI Assignment at 70% or higher. Any score below 70% requires
instructor remediation of any ‘Not Met’ criterion prior to the end of the course to achieve a passing
grade for the KPI. Students must pass the KPI to pass the course.

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