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Energy Earth and Ecosystems Environmental Issue: Select a topic that is related to a Canadian Water Resource Issue.

GEO 131 Energy Earth and Ecosystems Environmental Issue Assignment

Assignment The written assignment will be a four (4) page (1.5-line spacing) summary of an environmental issue.   Each submitted assignment will be graded out of 20. Format, content and writing style will all be evaluated when the summary is graded; along with the quality of your reference material.



Select a topic that is related to a Canadian Water Resource Issue.



  • At least one (1) figure, diagram, and/or table to illustrate key points embedded within the text. • Illustrate a clear link between the topic and life in your hometown or region • At a minimum, five (5) references external to the course text (i.e., you can’t include Freedman, B. 2009 as one of your 5 references, although you can cite it as an additional reference). At least four (4) sources should not be directly from websites (Wikipedia is not an acceptable academic resource). Electronic Journals are acceptable and can be accessed from the web.  Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journals, books, and texts. Citations in the paper should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA). • Citations in the paper should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA). o Example: In-text reference: (Christopherson et al., 2013, G-1) o Reference list example: Christopherson, R. W., M-L. Byrne, and P. Giles, 2013, Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, (Third Canadian Edition), Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, 768 p



The paper will be graded and a letter grade will be assigned based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the content – did you use good quality acceptable sources • Composition – was the paper written well (logic, flow, etc.) • Completeness – did you cover all of the aspects required • Reference List – did you properly format the references
  • Submit the digital copy of the paper through the digital portal on D2L • NO HARD COPY is REQUIRED • A minimum late penalty of 20% per calendar day will be applied to the term paper if not submitted by the start of class.


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