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Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence,


Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Unit Overview

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create systems and process to organize information and prioritize tasks.

It applies to individuals working in managerial positions who have excellent organizational skills. The work ethic of individuals in this role has a significant impact on the work culture and patterns of behaviour of others as managers at this level are role models in their work environment.

Assessment Evidence

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

  • Use business technology to create and use systems and processes to organize and prioritize tasks and commitments
  • Measure and maintain personal work performance including assessing competency against competency standards and seeking feedback
  • Maintain an appropriate work-life balance to manage personal health and stress
  • Participate in networks
  • Develop a personal development plan which includes career objectives and an action plan
  • Develop new skills

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

  • Explain principles and techniques involved in the management and organization of:
  • performance measurement
  • personal behaviour, self-awareness and personality traits identification
  • a personal development plan
  • personal goal setting
  • time
  • Discuss management development opportunities and options for self
  • Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance
  • Outline organisation’s policies, plans and procedures
  • Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to the individual
  • Describe types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance

Assessment Conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the industry capability – workplace effectiveness field of work and include access to:

  • Workplace equipment and resources
  • Case studies and, where possible, real situations
  • Interaction with others.

Foundation Skills

The Foundation Skills describe those required skills language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance.

Skill  Performance 


Reading 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 §  Interprets and analyses textual information from a variety of sources and applies the knowledge that has been gained to evaluate standards for organisation’s products and services
Writing 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 §  Produces a range of text types to convey information, requirements or recommendations matching style of writing to purpose and audience
Oral Communication 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2 §  Clearly articulates systems and standards in a team environment using language suitable to diverse audiences

§  Uses listening and questioning techniques to obtain feedback and confirm understanding

Numeracy 1.2 §  Interprets and comprehends mathematical information in organizations business and customer service plans.
Navigate the world of work 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.5 §  Recognizes and applies organizational protocols and meets expectations associated with own work
Interact with others 1.1, 2.3, 3.4 §  Identifies and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with colleagues and customers

§  Collaborates with others, taking into account their strengths and experience, to achieve desired outcomes

§  Provides support in field of expertise to team

Get the work done 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1-3.5 §  Develops and implements plans using logical processes and monitors and evaluates progress against stated goals

§  Accepts responsibility for addressing complex or non-routine difficulties, applying problem solving processes in determining a solution.

§  Uses digital technology to access, organize and present information in a format that meets requirements



There are three (3) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of competency. You are required to complete them all.

Assessment 1: Written Questions

This assessment consists of a series of questions that require you to provide thoughtful and detailed answers.

Your assessor will advise when this assessment is due.

Assessment 2: Practical A

You are required to find a position description for a role and company you would like to work for. You will be required to complete a Training Needs Analysis and a Professional Development Plan along with a discussion with your Trainer & Assessor, designed to improve your competence in areas identified. In addition, you are required to learn a new skill. This may be of your own choosing or you will learn how to use LinkedIn, as a network tool.

Your assessor will advise the date and place for this assessment.

Assessment 3: Practical B

You are required to track your activities over a two (2) week period, critically examine and reflect on what work-life balance you would like in your life and consider proactive ways to achieve this.

Your assessor will advise when this assessment is due.

Student Assessment Instructions

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you must successfully complete both theory and practical assessment tasks.  The practical assessments will be conducted at a date and place to be advised by your Trainer/Assessor.

All questions must be answered correctly for each assessment task to be completed satisfactorily. There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction

in completing the assessment, unless specified.

You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

If the practical assessment activities are not appropriate for you, please discuss this with your assessor who will seek to provide alternate activities that will allow you to provide evidence for the assessment.  Your assessor will document any alternate activities that you undertake.

Assessment Task 1: WRITTEN questions

This assessment consists of nine (9) written questions and is designed to assess your knowledge about managing personal work priorities and professional development. You are required to respond to each question correctly and in accordance with the instructions given.

  1. Outline eight (8) ways in which you can act as a positive role model to a work team.
  1. What strategies could you put into place to ensure work goals, plans and activities reflect an organisation’s plans as well as own responsibilities and accountabilities? Identify eight (8) strategies.
  1. Describe three (3) methods you could use to assess own current personal knowledge and skills in order to determine professional development needs.
  1. Identify three (3) ways of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and ensure that stress is effectively managed.
  1. Identify two (2) practices which can be used to prioritize and facilitate competing demands on self or team.
  1. Technology can be used to manage work priorities and commitments. Identify two (2) technological tools and outline how they can assist in time management.
  1. Most organizations have policies, plans and procedures for personal and professional development. Outline how performance management systems work and contribute to personal development plans and goal setting. (100-200 words)
  1. Discuss the value of participating in networks. (100-200 words)
  1. What is meant by the term “personal learning style” and how you could use this knowledge to develop own competence?

Your assessor will want to see that you have the knowledge required to:

  • Explain principles and techniques involved in the management and organization of:
  • performance measurement
  • personal behaviour, self-awareness and personality traits identification
  • a personal development plan
  • personal goal setting and time
  • Discuss management development opportunities and options for self
  • Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance
  • Outline organisation’s policies, plans and procedures
  • Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to the individual
  • Describe types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance

Assessment Task 2: practical A                                    

Instructions to students

You will need complete all tasks satisfactorily in order for this assessment to be completed successfully.

You will need to select an organization and a job role to complete this Assessment Task. This could be an organization you have previously worked for or one you are interested in working for in the future. The position should be one you would be reasonably able to carry out with some training.

Please ask your trainer/assessor to assist you to find a suitable organization and job role if you experience any difficulty to sourcing the information.

You will be required to

  • complete a Training Needs Analysis
  • complete a Professional Development Plan
  • participate in a discussion with your Trainer & Assessor, designed to improve your competence in the areas
  • learn a new skill. This may be of your own choosing or you can learn how to use LinkedIn.
  1. Identify the name of your selected organization. Describe the organisation’s mission, values and at least 3 strategic goals. (approx. 100 words)
  1. Outline the organisation’s professional development policies, plans and procedures. (approx. 150 words)
  1. Detail three (3) objectives of your selected job role and explain how they fit with the organizations goals. (approx. 80 words)
  1. Identify the position title of your selected role. Develop KPIs for each of the three objectives identified above and write them in SMART format (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time framed). Explain:
  2. How the KPIs will be used to measure your performance.
  1. How you will achieve and maintain your performance. (60-80 words in clear bullet points)
  1. Complete Appendix A – Training Needs Analysis by rating your level of competence in the skills or knowledge listed. Add four (4) of the skills and/or knowledge you require to undertake your selected role successfully and rate your level of competence in each. (Complete table template in Appendix A.)
  1. Arrange a time with your Trainer & Assessor to discuss ways to improve your competence in the areas you have identified. Give your Trainer & Assessor a copy of your Training Needs Analysis 1 week prior to the meeting and s/he will select appropriate competency standard(s) based on this completed form. You will use these competency standards to assess your own competency against in discussion with your trainer.

Write down the suggestions from your Trainer & Assessor including the date you had the discussion and the unit(s) of competency they selected. (approx. 100 words)

Your Trainer & Assessor will take into account the following checklist in his/her discussion with you. To demonstrate competence, you need to satisfy all elements.

  • Clearly and accurately explain your level of competence in each area based on the unit(s) of competency provided by your Trainer & Assessor
  • Receive feedback, including constructive feedback, positively
  • Suggest practical ways you could improve your competence
  • Use appropriate communication techniques (verbal and non-verbal)
  • Demonstrate active listening skills
  • Demonstrate effective questioning skills
  • Identify genuine skill gaps as part of your self-reflection
  • Proactively raise ideas that could build your competence in required areas
  1. a) Discuss ways to improve your own competence in the areas you have identified with at least two (2) of your fellow students or RTO staff members (not your Trainer & Assessor). You will need to also discuss with these students their competence in the areas they have identified.
  1. b) Write down their suggestions (include their names) including the date you had the discussions. (approx. 70 words)
  1. a) Complete the free learning styles quiz at http://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/ to identify your personal learning style.
  1. b) Using this information and the feedback you gained in Tasks 5 and 6 plus your own research, write down three (3) different ways you could develop your competence that suit your learning style. (approx. 50 words)
  1. a) In relation to your selected job role, list three (3) skills and/or knowledge areas that you could develop to maintain a competitive edge in this role. These skills and/or knowledge must be different to those required to undertake the role and should help to make you more attractive to a potential employer. (approx. 50 words)
  1. b) For each identified skill, explain how you would gain or develop it. (approx. 100 words)
  1. a) Research and attend a networking event that will enable you to gain skills, knowledge or employment in an area in which you are interested in building your skills.
  1. b) In a brief report, provide details of the network, why you selected it, where and when you could participate and any costs involved, along with any skills, knowledge or employment outcomes from your visit to the event. You should consider industry organizations, business networks, on-line networks or groups. (Approx. 150 words, use clear headings in your report)
  1. Complete Appendix B – your Professional Development Plan using the information you have discovered in the previous tasks as well as further research. You should include:
  2. development of skills and/or knowledge needed for your selected job
  3. development of skills and/or knowledge you aim to acquire to achieve or maintain a competitive edge
  4. planned participation in networks or professional associations to enhance professional development
  5. time frames in which to achieve development opportunities, new skills, participation in networks.
  1. LinkedIn is a business and employment-oriented service that operates via websites and mobile apps. It is mainly used for professional networking, including employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their CVs.  As of April 2017, LinkedIn had 500 million members in 200 countries, out of which more than 106 million members are active. LinkedIn allows members (both workers and employers) to create profiles and “connections” to each other in an online social network which may represent real-world professional relationships. Members can invite anyone (whether an existing member or not) to become a connection. Source – Wikipedia

To enhance your competitive edge and networking skills you have decided you need to learn how to use LinkedIn.

You are required to

  • research how LinkedIn works
  • set up a LinkedIn account
  • Create your LinkedIn profile
  • provide a screen shot of your LinkedIn page and submit to your assessor as evidence you have learnt a new skill.

Please note: if you would prefer to learn another skill please discuss this with your assessor who will decide on the suitability of your alternate learning objective and what you will need to submit as evidence of having learnt the new skill.  The assessor will document the alternate arrangements on your file.


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