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What type of research (e.g., experiments, observational studies, etc.) has been conducted to investigate the relationship between your factor and intelligence?

Chapter 8 Intelligence and Individual Differences in Cognition

The following biological and environmental factors have been shown to influence intelligence or performance on intelligence tests. In this assignment you will be researching information on how each of the factors impacts intelligence or performance on intelligence tests.

There are roughly 13-14 randomly assigned students in your group, and the assignment includes five factors.Three or four of you will research factor a, three or four will research factor b, 3 to 4 factor c, 3 to 4 factor d, and 3 to 4 factor e.  You will decide amongst yourselves who will work on each of the factors.

Factors that Impact Intelligence or Performance on Intelligence

  1. Heredity
  2. Home/family environment
  3. Poverty/social class (SES)
  4. Enrichment/training
  5. Ethnicity


  1. Go to the TTU on line Library and use a search system such as Psyc-Lit to investigate research on the factorto which you have been assigned.  To help focus your search, please respond to the research questions below:
    1. How does your factor impact intelligence?  (Describe the positive or negative relationships that exist between your factor and problem solving.)
    2. What type of research (e.g., experiments, observational studies, etc.) has been conducted to investigate the relationship between your factor and intelligence?
    3. How can the impact of your factor on intelligence be enhanced?  In other words, if parents or teachers are aware of how your factor impacts intelligence, what can they do about it?  You may find research articles on this research question, but you do not have to.

To explain further, in your library research you will need to look for articles that focus on the research question “How does your factor impact intelligence?” You will use search words such as impacts, affects, effect, influences, etc. along with the key words your factor and intelligence.

  1. Once your factor group(a b, c, d, e) completed its research, you will combine your information to make a combined statement regarding the three questions above.

After all factor groups have compiled their information, you will share it with all other factor groups.  Here you will include the bibliography you found in your research.

  1. Now, you will begin a discussion the 13-14 students in your group to determine which factor your group believes is most important in intelligence.  That is, based on the research you found, what evidence do you have in order to make a case for your factor as the most important?
    1. Your factor group may decide that there is not enough evidence to suggest your factor is the most important.  You would just state that in your complied statement.
  2. Once you have reached consensus on this most important factor, your discussion will conclude with a brief paragraph explaining why your group selected such factor.


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