1.) The purpose of this two-stage assignment is to provide the individual student with an opportunity to prepare a discussion paper which provides an overview of a current key issue pertaining to one major health topic in Canada.
Students will have the opportunity to select a topic of interest and conduct a limited literature search of the professional health literature pertaining to the policy or management perspectives.
You will also have the opportunity to revise your paper based on instructor feedback in order to improve your written literacy and analyses skills.
Choose one of the three issues below. If you have difficulty selecting a topic, approach the professor or your teaching assistant for assistance.
1) Health Policy: What are some of the political and social forces that shape the social determinants of health? What is the current state of the social determinants of health in Canada? What are some of the reasons for this current state and what can be done to improve the situation?
2) Health Management: What are the key features of Canada’s health care system? What are some of the problems that need to be addressed in Canada’s health care system? What are some of the proposed solutions being advanced? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
3) Health Informatics: What are the proposed benefits of instituting electronic health records? What evidence is there that doing so would improve health? What have been some of the barriers to instituting electronic health records in Canada? How can these be overcome?
Conduct a literature search of professional journal articles and government and agency reports pertaining to the topic that you have chosen. Identify 5 to 6 relevant, current articles, and additional resources which discuss the topic in further detail.
Prepare a draft of your paper by discussing each of the following:
1) Introduction to the issue (e.g. problem, dilemma, and concern); include a thesis statement.
2) Why it is an issue? What is the history (how the issue evolved) and how it captured your interest? Who does the issue involve (e.g., key stakeholders such as the public, government, and healthcare organizations)?
3) What are the implications for the public and policy makers?
4) Summary (your conclusions, new insights, and pulling the paper together). Page 8 of 19
Format: Use subheadings to separate/organize different aspects of your paper which support your main thesis. Your draft paper will be 4 pages excluding cover page and references. Use 1-inch margins (2.54 cm), 12-point font in Times Roman, double spacing, and APA style referencing format.
Final version of Scholarly Discussion Paper (8 pages): Due at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, November 12, 2018, the date of Session/Week 9 (N.B.: Your submission must be uploaded directly onto Turnitin through our Moodle Course Website)
Using the same format, resubmit the above paper making revisions to your discussion of the topic based on written instructor feedback and resubmit. Feedback could include the need for clarity in identifying issues, grammar, APA writing style, or choice of professional literature.
Evaluation Criteria:
a) Substance: paper addresses the essential elements related to your topic and issue; ideas are supported by examples, course concepts, and evidence (i.e., literature) provided; demonstrates critical thinking (i.e., sound conceptualising, interpreting, and analysis synthesis).
b) Originality: creative integration of own ideas with those of other authors; unique interpretation of ideas.
c) Clarity: logical flow of ideas; grammatically correct sentences and paragraph structure. Appropriate APA format for scholarly paper.
d) Progression of analytic and written literacy skills: demonstration of constructive use of instructor feedback regarding analyses and format of paper; increased understanding of key course concepts.
Reflective Analyses Paper (3 pages): Due at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 2018, the date of Session 11 (N.B.: Your submission must be uploaded directly onto Turnitin through our Moodle Course Website)
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to reflect and document his/her learning resulting from participation in the discussion tutorials related to health and health care issues.
Instructions: 3 pages plus cover page; no references required.
1) Identify one topic or issue of personal interest.
2) Identify one perspective (from Chapters 2-4) related to this topic or issue that you gained most insight.
3) How has that changed your view of the issue?
4) What would you like to see changed in the Canadian public policy and/or healthcare system to improve the status of those affected by this topic/issue? Page 9 of 19
Evaluation Criteria:
1) Demonstrated new understanding of key course concepts
2) Application to self-identity
3) Clarity of written expression
C. Research Essay Proposal (N.B.: Your submission must be uploaded onto Turnitin through our Moodle course website)
• Value: 5% of overall grade
• Due Date: October 17, 2018 at 11:30 a.m., the date of Session/Week 6
• Format: Each student is required to prepare a short abstract (maximum 125 words) outlining the topic of their research essay. The proposal will then be reviewed by Professor Lam or your Teaching Assistant.
The Research Essay Proposal should serve as a blueprint to a student’s Research Essay. In the event that he or she receives a failing grade of E or F (less than 50%) on this assignment, the student may be required to redo the assignment until he or she attains a passing grade of D or better (a minimum of 50%) before being allowed to proceed with submitting the Research Essay.
D. Research Essay (N.B.: Your submission must be uploaded onto Turnitin through our Moodle
course website)
• Value: 35% of overall grade
• Due Date: November 14, 2018 at 11:30 a.m., the date of Session/Week 10
• Length: Maximum 6 pages (excluding title page and bibliography/works cited list)
Beyond choosing a topic that is of interest and relevant to health policy, students need to demonstrate their understanding of major concepts learned in the course as well as the ability to integrate both scholarly literature (e.g., journal articles) and grey literature (e.g., government, non- Page 7 of 21
governmental, and/or technical reports) in their research essay. Marks will be awarded
accordingly on the following basis:
• Strength of main position (e.g., how strong is your thesis statement)
• Analysis (e.g., the extent to which critical thinking is demonstrated)
• Evidence (e.g., sources used to support your perspectives, which can be qualitative and/or quantitative)
• Balance (e.g., ability to acknowledge and address both sides of an argument, including any counter-arguments)
• Quality of writing (e.g., sound grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and clear expression/organization of thoughts)
General Specifications for Short Analytical Paper and Research Essay
• Title page: Include the title of your paper, your name, your student number, name of the course director, course number and title, as well as date of submission
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12 point
• Spacing: Double-spaced
• Margins: 1” on all sides
• Citation and referencing style: American Psychological Association (APA), 6th/7th Edition
• Be sure to include a bibliography/works cited list
Submissions that do not meet the above criteria will be penalized 5% from the final grade of the
HLST 2030
Research Paper Requirements
Choose one of the three topics below for your research paper. If you wish to choose a different topic that is relevant to the course then the Course Director’s permission is required before you begin.
Topic 1
Being the CEO of a LHIN in Ontario is quite different than a similar position in a manufacturing or financial company. Why is this position different? What research supports your analysis? Based on your analysis and the research you conducted, what are the key competencies/skills that a LHIN CEO would require? Use supportive research to explain the concept of competencies and how these competencies can be enhanced/developed.
Topic 2
There is considerable research about the development, execution and monitoring of a strategic plan. Describe your thoughts on the current best practice in strategic planning processes (including development, implementation and evaluation). Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of your chosen model for a healthcare organization.
Topic 3
There is an evolving discussion about the overlap and differences between leadership and management. Discuss the approaches in the literature to this debate. Discuss your approach to this topic and why.
Research Paper Considerations:
Your research paper is not to exceed 6 pages excluding the title page and references. While the questions provided can help guide the organization of the paper is not to be in Q&A format. You are to use APA style for references. Sub-headings are acceptable. At least 5 peer reviewed articles (beyond course readings) are to be cited.
Use a 12 point font (Times Roman, Calibri or Arial preferred). Spacing should be 1.5 and 1” margins on all sides.
The tile page should include the topic number along with your paper title, if appropriate. Make sure your name and student number are on the title page along with the total number of pages.
You must submit your paper through Turnitin.
You will lose 2% for every day the paper is overdue without the permission of the course director.