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Research about the role of Chinese tea, tea party, the form of tea party, Tea-painting in the Chinese art history and its relationship with Wabisabi(a kind of Japanese aesthetic concept) in the background of fine art.

History of Chinese Art

  1. I’d like to writer a research proposal around 2600-word(except for the references) research proposal.

The single topic is aim to research about the role of Chinese tea, tea party, the form of tea party, Tea-painting in the Chinese art history and its relationship with Wabisabi(a kind of Japanese aesthetic concept) in the background of fine art.


For example, the Tea-Painting(I do not know the exact translation of 茶画 from Chinese to English, it can be a traditional ink painting reflect some special thinking or moral character of some period and people ) and its relationship with Wabisabi


I want to research based on the former information, Can you combine them and refine it in a academic way.


(Can you give me 4-5 titles and each topic with 1-2sentence to do a simple explanation? And then we talk about it and choose one to write it. The final realm needs to be specific.)

The geographic area is Japan and China.

The academic discipline is History of Chinese art.

The time period is not sure.

  1. Please quote the journal from recent 3-5 years.

3.Please contain the following parts:

Research Gap/Questions


Research Rationale/Significance

Literature review



That’s all the information that I got, hope these could be helpful and thank you so much!

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