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Discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the procurement arrangements for both projects from the client’s perspective. What mechanisms, if any, should be put in place to protect the advantages or mitigate the disadvantages?

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Project Finance and Procurement
The Procurement Assignment
Learning Outcomes assessed by this assignment
1. Critically examine tools and techniques for planning project procurement processes.
2. Appraise the various types of contracts to determine which will best represent the relationship between the buyer and seller
3. Evaluate typical project outsourcing techniques and tools
The Task
This is an individual assignment using the case study OSPEDALE Papa Giovanni XXIII: Fixed-Price or Public-Private Partnership. You should answer all of the following three questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the procurement arrangements for both projects from the client’s perspective. What mechanisms, if any, should be put in place to protect the advantages or mitigate the disadvantages?
2. Discuss whether the method selected for procuring each project’s contract was appropriate. What factors should be considered when selecting between Fixed-Price and PPP contracts?
3. Discuss the main characteristics of Availability-Based Contracts as a type of PPP contracts. What would be your main recommendations to the RCL for strengthening future project contract procurement?
Marking Scheme
The answer to each question should have the following sections: an introduction (10%), Discussion & Analysis (70%) and a conclusion (10%) with the final (10%) for referencing, language and presentation.
You are expected to consult the literature and briefly explain some of the relevant project procurement concepts. The Harvard method for referencing MUST be used.
The answer for each question should not exceed 700 words and must start on a new page, indicating clearly the question number. It must be formatted in Arial size 12.
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APPENDIX 2 ————————————————————————————————- To achieve a mark of 80% and over for this element you must: (i) REPORT Report Structure • Write a structured, clear, comprehensive report • Discuss the required issues, demonstrating a depth of understanding of relevant Project Finance concepts • Critically analyse, evaluate, and select current, relevant source material • Quote sources to an accepted standard • Bring most of the elements of the report together into a coherent and critical whole. • Report Content • Critically review the practical issues against the theory and literature • Show real insight into Project Procurement issues, with clear evidence of analytical thinking. • Develop a flow of arguments that progress logically from the introduction, through the discussion and analysis, into the conclusions. • Show clear evidence of how your own ideas and critical thinking contribute to understanding of the topic, built on appropriate research. • Show clear relationships between: • the task set • your findings • your conclusions ————————————————————————————————-
****Reference should include 2 books and 4 journals.

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