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Review the innovation along the dimensions of Christensen’s Disruptive Innovations model. Comment on whether it meets the criteria for a Disruptive Innovation?

Assessment Paper

Part 1: Disruptive Innovation

Find an article in the popular press (e.g., Financial Times, Guardian, BBC on-line) that describes a new Digital innovation. Review the innovation along the dimensions of Christensen’s Disruptive Innovations model. Comment on whether it meets the criteria for a Disruptive Innovation? Explain why or why it does not meet the criteria as a disruptive innovation?

1000 words

Part 2: Analytics

In this part of the assignment, you will need to use IBM Watson Analytics (or any analytics platform of your choice, e.g. Ibm modeler, RapidMiner). Find a dataset(s) of interest and produce two visualisations of your own choice and include it in the live dashboard. Please explain the rationale behind your choice. Provide the appropriate analytics for the dataset. Write a short report on what was uncovered and what the implications might be.

1000 words

Part 3: Analytics and Leadership

Write a short note on a particular digital innovation(s) that will contribute to the future of strategy in your organization by 2020. Try to focus on an emerging digital innovation, and on the implications on your organizations Digital Strategy. Please include in your note any new forms of governance and/or changes in management or leadership that might need to be leveraged over the coming years.

1000 words The assignment is worth 100% and should not exceed 3000 words.  This is a strict limit not a guideline.

Length:                 3000 words

Word Count Information

Number of words 3000 words

This is a strict limit not a guideline

Penalties This is a strict limit not a guideline:

any piece submitted with more words than the limit will result in the excess not being marked.

Included in word count
Coversheet No
Reference list No
Bibliography No
Appendices* No
List of contents No
Abstract Yes
Embedded references/citations Yes
Tables Yes
Diagrams Yes
Charts Yes
Figures Yes
Forumulae Yes
Footnotes* Yes
Images (e.g. photographs which include words, images, Yes
Legends for tables, diagrams, charts, figures etc.) Yes
*Supplementary text Please note that information in appendices and footnotes should be supplementary but not integral to the submission. Markers may not read supplementary text – especially if it is lengthy – so the main body of work should stand on its own.
Referencing system Please  use  the  Harvard  referencing  system (click on this to open a new page)
Hidden text All text should be included by the word count software, and any attempt to ‘hide’ text will be considered a mis-statement of word count.
Internet material Should be referenced by URL; links to material not included in the text will be ignored.
Typeface / font size Arial 11pt


Spacing 1.5 lines
Margins 2.54 cm (Normal setting)


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