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What tools and procedures should be used to complete a comprehensive analysis of the INTERNAL situation of the firm? Please identify.

Part one: Please apply the internal analysis to DowDuPont Inc.


[1]NAME:                                              SECTION: Q             TEAM: #


FIRST insert your name, section number and team number in the indicated spaces above.

PLEASE do not change the formatting of this document (except for spacing as needed).


  1. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of INTERNAL Analysis:

 (1a) What is INTERNAL analysis?



(1b) Why is this collection of analyses important?


  1. What tools and procedures should be used to complete a comprehensive analysis of the INTERNAL situation of the firm? Please identify:

(2a) each tool or procedure (do not include Strengths/Weaknesses Summary)

(2b) major components of the tool or procedure

(2c) the purpose of (i.e., learning derived from) applying each tool or procedure (INSERT ANSWERS INTO THE CHART BELOW)



1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.


  1. In preparing your INTERNAL analysis, indicate at least one thing from each of the analytical tools that you have learned about your CLIENT firm from the project assignment:

  (3a1-5) list each tool

  (3b1-5) indicate what you learned about your client firm from each tool listed (INSERT ANSWERS INTO THE CHART BELOW)


NAME OF CLIENT FIRM: ____________________


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

4a. Define the following concepts:

(4a1) Resources


(4a2) Capabilities


4b. Explain how these two concepts are related in the context of adding value for customers.


Part Two: Please apply the internal analysis to the wall sheet journal attached on separate file

  1. Demonstrate your ability to apply INTERNAL Analysis to your assigned Wall Street Journal article:

(5a) what is the complete title of your assigned article?


(5b) what is the full name of the firm discussed in the article?

Firm Name:

(5c) in which industry (or industries) — identified by name and NAICS/SIC Code — does the firm in the article operate?

Industry Name(s):

Industry Code(s):

 (5d) based on your reading of the article, which part of the INTERNAL analysis would be the most appropriate analytical tool (and which of its components specifically) to apply to the scenario described in the article?



(5e) Why (what relevant information is provided in the article)?


  1. Complete the analysis you identified in (5d):

(6a) insert the relevant appendix content (chart, graph, table, etc.) from the Workbook (INSERT CHART ON LAST PAGE).

(6b) Provide (1) an explanation and interpretation of the information and analysis presented in 6a, and (2) an explanation of how it relates to the article.


(6b1) Answer:

(6b2) Answer:


[1] Submissions lacking required identification information will not be accepted; grade of zero will be recorded.

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