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Analyze an artifact of popular culture, applying at least five theories or critical frameworks, and 10 credible, scholarly research sources. 15-20 pages (4500-6000 words).

For your final paper/project, you have two main options (and a third for FILM BAS students):

  • Analyze an artifact of popular culture, applying at least five theories or critical frameworks, and 10 credible, scholarly research sources. 15-20 pages (4500-6000 words).
  • Create your own artifact of popular culture and analyze it, applying at least three theories or critical frameworks, and 6 credible, scholarly research sources. 10-12 pages (3000-3600 words).
  • BAS FILM Option: In teams of 3, create a team short video/film production, at least 14 minutes in length, meeting production quality standards appropriate for the BAS program. A script of at least 4500 words (including staging directions, lighting and technical information, cast lines, etc) must be submitted by each team. Each team member would then analyze the completed film, applying at least one theory in detail, with at least 6 credible, scholarly research sources. 7-10 pages (1800-3000 words).

Note: Page lengths listed here include all APA formatting pages, such as Title, Abstract, and Reference pages (if you have more than one reference page, only count it as one page). 

Submit your final paper here.

Make sure you have met the following basic requirements.

  1. Your paper must be in full APA format. Guidelines for writing an argumentative paper in APA format can be found in the APA format sample argumentative paper guide.pdf


  1. Your paper must have an abstract. Abstracts summarize the basic questions, methods, relevance, and conclusions of a research paper. An abstract is a paragraph at the outset of the paper that briefly summarizes:
    1. the subject of the paper and the research question you are asking about that subject (i.e., what is the paper’s subject, and what are you asking about this subject?
    2. Why this research topic is significant; and, three, a hint to your conclusion(s) that foreshadows what your study will conclude or your basic take on the subject.
  2. Your paper must have an argumentative thesis which can be clearly defined as a popular culture analysis with a theoretical dimension. You should be able to state how your clearly reflects popular culture theory as a core of multivalent beliefs, practices, and objects that are widely shared throughout a society or societies. Use Toulmin’s model of arguments as a guide.
  3. Your paper must have a conclusionthat summarizes what you have found out or concluded. You can and should admit if you believe you would need more research to sufficiently tackle some elements of the subject, thereby suggesting directions for subsequent research.
  4. A bibliography is absolutely required. It must include every single source you consulted, from academic treatises, to background sources, to music videos, to the web, to albums, to your neighbor’s reminiscences. At least 10 (6 for the project and FILM options) of these sources must be scholarly sources. This does not mean just your quoted sources–cite every source you gain an idea from. Anything that does not come directly out of your head MUST have a cited source.

Any papers containing uncited materials or plagiarism will receive a zero (0) grade. Make sure you use a APA style and citation format.


Final Project and Paper Rubric

Final Project and Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Argument

The final paper makes one complex, debatable argument that is supported throughout. The argument is well supported with applied theories and examples from the artifact. The theoretical perspective applied is clearly tied to the argument.

50.0 pts


40.0 pts


31.0 pts


17.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis

The paper uses at least five (outside artifact) or three (student-made artifact) theories/frameworks to analyze its artifact with detail, specificity, and critical thought.

40.0 pts


30.0 pts


23.0 pts


13.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

The paper proceeds with logical, clear connections from section to section, including an introduction and a conclusion. The structure of the paper highlights the argument and foundational research.

25.0 pts


21.0 pts


16.0 pts


9.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Voice and Mechanics

The word choice, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation used in the essay all serve to bolster the writer’s ethos. Overall, the paper feels professional and authoritative.

10.0 pts


8.0 pts


5.0 pts


3.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Citation, Length, and Requirements

The paper is fully formatted and cited according to APA guidelines. It meets minimum requirements for length and sources. It fulfills all assignment requirements.

25.0 pts


20.0 pts


16.0 pts


9.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

25.0 pts
Total Points: 150.0


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