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Develop the section in your Capstone Project Proposal titled “Business Case”.

Week 9 Resource Allocation and Financial Management

This week you have explored the financial concepts of budgeting and planning for costs for implementing new programs or projects. It is now time for you to develop the section in your Capstone Project Proposal titled “Business Case”.  Take time to review the Capstone Project Proposal Rubric and focus on this section.  Write your Business Case and include a discussion on the following 3 items:

  • Projected costs estimates to implement your project,
  • How these costs align with your project implementation activities, and
  • The timelinefor when these activities will occur and the cost over the life of the project.  (Example: If you have 3 phases of implementation activities planned, align and discuss how much money you will need in each phase to implement the project).

Make sure you use concepts from the literature and presentations that you read and viewed this week. Title your Discussion Board Thread with your last name, business case, and project topic.  An example follows: Shake/Business Case to Implement Educational Program for Senior Citizens on Colon Cancer Prevention.
Respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ postings and offer feedback on their initial discussion posting.  Remember to support your comments with evidence from the weekly materials, literature or other evidence based resources.

Initial post 150 – 300 words

Peer posts 100 – 150 words


Read – Textbook – Chapter 11 in Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators (6th ed.). Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

View and read this website – ACA and what it says about hospital readmissions http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/AcuteInpatientPPS/Readmissions-Reduction-Program.html

Writer: This is only a small discussion board assignment where you briefly discuss the Business Case for this project.

Emy/Business Case to Implement Educational Program for CVC patients on CLABSI Prevention.

I am doing the same exact project as my friend so I will attach her business proposal for ideas. She did her clinical at a hospital that is affiliated with my hospital so our mission and vision statements are the same the only difference is I am doing my clinical at Flushing Hospital Medical Center.

I will be requesting you for the 6 page Capstone Business Plan that is due Week 10 next week.  please be advised

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