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State two themes that emerged during your analysis; each theme should be supported by at least one extract and an analysis of this extract.

Research Methods and Analysis in Psychology. Please see attached assignment brief, Braun and Clarke (2016) TA article, Analysis section of a TA Checklist, Lousie Transcript for section1, Louise transcript word doc, MF examples 1 and 2, RMA Qualitative Louise Full transcript, Study 1ECI data 1, Study 1 OE data, study 2 RLS data, and study 2 Sex Data

Assessment Brief: Research Methods and Analysis in Psychology

In summary,

Section 1a –interviews-200 words

Section 1b –thematic analysis-1,500 words

Section 2a –Research proposal-1,500 words

Section 2b –Data Analysis-300 words

Total=3,500 words or more. Thank you so much.




Read the LOUISE transcript (attached) and then answer questions a  to d.

  1. a) Describe the differences between a semi-structured and a structured interview
  2. b) State one advantage of using a semi-structured interview
  3. c) State one advantage of using a structured interview
  4. d) Give one example of a semi-structured interview question that the researcher might ask during this study

(b) Thematic Analysis (maximum 1500 words)

You are required to provide a Thematic Analysis of the provided section from the Higher Education Academy (HEA) ‘Louise’ section. You are asked only to provide the ANALYSIS section and not an entire Qualitative Research Report.

(a) State the research question used to guide your analysis,

(b) State two themes that emerged during your analysis; each theme should be supported by at least one extract and an analysis of this extract

(c) Include a brief statement about how your analysis relates back to your research question.

You need to read the transcript and then develop the research question. The coursework was designed this way to make it easier for you so that you could position your epistemological stance and set a question to suit.

I would have a look online for relevant articles. The following article should get

you going:

htps://ulir.ul.ie/bitstream/handle/1 344/5588/Doody_2 13_preparing.pdf?sequence=1

The above paper should give you a good overview and a nice starting point. You can also consult the textbooks e.g. Coolican (2 14) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (6th Edn.) – Especially chapter 7.


 (a) Quantitative Research Proposal (maximum 1500 words)

This Assessment component is made up of two sections.

Section 1: Quantitative Research Proposal

You are asked to develop an appropriate quantitative research proposal for either a correlational study or a differences design based on the analytical strategies and ethical considerations you have learned in the Module. The research area you choose must be related to one of the core areas of psychology (biological, cognitive, developmental, individual differences and social) and be grounded in existing psychological research.

Your Introduction should include relevant supporting research to show why and how the research question and design has been developed. For this word count it would be expected to include at least 10 supporting references. If appropriate to the type of design used, also include a priori power analysis to justify the intended sample size proposed.

The proposal should be 1500 words in length, excluding the Title and the References.

Please use the following checklist to ensure that you include relevant information within the appropriate sections of the Research Proposal:

Section Checklist








Method (Design – Participants – Materials – Procedure)


Analytical Strategy




Ethical Considerations


Reference List



This needs to clearly and concisely sum up what the research is about. Think about the key words to be included


To show the rationale behind the proposed research project you need to source information from previous empirical studies which have a bearing on your own study. These should be gained from the Universities Digital Library. Briefly explain what these studies involved (aims, sample size, method, measures) and what the findings mean. Use APA format for the appropriate citations.


Keep in mind that aims are a statement about ‘what you want to do’ and the rationale is a statement about ‘why you want to do it’. The hypothesis is the prediction that the research is going to test. So, based on the literature that you’ve provided in your introduction you should be able to state: What you plan to do (aims); Why you want to do this (rationale); What you expect to find (hypothesis)


How will this research be conducted? Design – Participants – Measures/Apparatus – Procedure – Analytical Strategy – Timelines

Ethical Considerations

These need to address the specific issues involved. Think about the 5 main aspects that need to be covered and how they will be appropriately addressed for this study.

Reference List

This should include all the previous studies cited in the Background/Introduction section. References should be formatted in APA style. At least 10 should be included for this word count.

Section 2b: Data Analysis

In this section you will be presented with three psychological studies. For each study you will be asked a series of questions designed to test your knowledge of research design, your understanding of data analysis and your ability to report and appropriately interpret the results of psychological studies. You should attempt each question.

For each study you are required to conduct and then report the findings of an appropriate analysis of the data provided using APA format. You should explore the data using descriptive tests prior to any inferential analyses to assess assumptions of normality and routinely report effect sizes where appropriate.

You should include any calculations and relevant SPSS outputs (descriptive tests, histograms and statistical analyses) as appendices. Include the appendices at the end of the section.


Study 1

Baas et al. (Baas, De Dreu, & Nijstad, 2011) theorise that angry states are also beneficial to creativity, with the generation of ideas having a relationship to competitiveness and frustration. However, so far researchers have been unable to find evidence as to why anger states are more stimulating for creativity than other negative states such as sadness, and propose that time is an important factor. An angry state is observed to have a shorter duration than sad or depressive states and so offer an argument for short, sharp bursts of creativity. And yet, creative persons are deemed as being more gregarious and sociable overall with increased levels of extraversion. Furthermore, Srivastava and Ketter (2010) found that both persons diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and involved within a creative profession have strong positive relationships between creativity aspects predicted by the personality trait openness to experience. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to explore the relationship between the personality traits of Emotional Creativity and Openness to Experience. The study employed the Emotional Creativity Inventory (ECI), (Averill, 1999) and Goldberg’s Openness to Experience Scale (OE), (Goldberg, 1999) with data gained from a sample of one hundred participants (N = 100).


  1. What type of research design is this study?
  1. Name the variables in this study.

iii. State the predictive Null Hypothesis (H0)

  1. Create a Word table of descriptive statistics for these data with an appropriate title. Do the data meet assumptions of normality?
  1. Create a scatterplot to explore the relationship between the two variables (this can be copied and pasted from SPSS) with an appropriate title and a regression line included.
  1. Conduct an appropriate inferential test and provide the details and report the results of this statistical analysis in APA format. Provide a brief interpretation of these results. Do they support or reject the null hypothesis?


Study 2

The psychological construct of individual lability has gained great interest within individual differences research. It is proposed that individual lability is the opposite of ‘stability’ within various psychological, cognitive, emotional, and physiological functions resulting in an ‘ease of change’ (Stanford, 1978; Braud, 1980). However, at this time, it is unclear if individual lability is impacted by sex differences. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to explore possible sex differences in individual lability, assessed by the Revised Lability Scale (RLS), (Drennan, Roe, & Collings, 2015), using a sample of one hundred participants (N = 100).


  1. What type of research design is this study?
  1. What is the independent variable (IV) and what levels does it have?
  • What is the dependent variable (DV)?
  1. State the predictive Null Hypothesis (H0)
  1. Create a table in Word to report the descriptive statistic values for the data with an appropriate title and following APA format. Do the data meet assumptions of normality?
  1. Conduct an appropriate inferential test of the null hypothesis and provide the details and report the results of this statistical analysis using APA format. Provide a brief interpretation of these results. Do they support or reject the null hypothesis?


Study 3

However, in order to explore individual lability and sex further, the researcher also decided to explore if the association between the categories of male and female golfers and levels of lability (low, medium, high) would be significant within a larger sample, (N = 213).

Table 3. Frequency of males and females in relation to the level of lability

Male Low 33
Female Low 15
Male Medium 48
Female Medium 80
Male High 10
Female High 32
  1. State the Null hypothesis(H0)
  1. Create a clustered bar chart (this can be copied and pasted from SPSS), with an appropriate title.

iii. Conduct an appropriate inferential test of the null hypothesis and provide the details and report the results of this statistical analysis using APA format. Provide a brief interpretation of these results. Do they support or reject the null hypothesis?

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