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What potential differences are there between privatized religion, being unchurched, and being spiritual but not religious?


Reading Assignment 10


Fuller, Robert C. 2001. Introduction. In Spiritual But Not Religious: Understanding Unchurched America. Oxford University Press: New York.

Greer, Bruce A., and Wade Clark Roof. 1992. “Desperately Seeking Sheila: Locating Religious Privatism in American Society.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31(3): 346-352.

In about 150 words, tell me “what you think.” This is NOT a summary of the readings. It is your response and reaction to them.

The following questions are some suggestions of how to respond (you are not limited to these):

  • To what extent, if any, do you relate to, or identify with, any of the descriptions?
  • In what ways does this connect with prior topics in this class? In what ways does it present something new?
  • What implications does privatized religion have for organized religion?
  • What implications does privatized religion have for society?
  • What potential differences are there between privatized religion, being unchurched, and being spiritual but not religious?
  • What happens if people who are “spiritual but not religious” come together as a group?
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