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The role of Ansel Adams’ Photography in the environmental movement.

About the Dissertation Requirements:
A dissertation of 7500 words (+/- 10%) (for further technical details, see Assignment Brief below)
Writing and Structuring Your Dissertation
A clear structure for your dissertation is required using the following sections and headings:

1. Title Page
The title page, which is the page immediately inside the cover, should include the full title of your dissertation, your name, qualification for which the dissertation is being submitted, name of the institution, name of school, month and year of submission.

2. Contents Page:
A list of the chapter heading and main sub-headings, including bibliography and appendices, and the page number on which each chapter and section begins. The contents page serves a useful function in providing an overall picture of the direction and scope of the dissertation and a quick way for the reader to navigate your dissertation.

3. Introduction (1000 words)
The introduction serves as a ‘map’ for the rest of the dissertation. It should include an introduction to the topic and research question, why they are of interest and why the research question is worthy of an answer. Your introduction should also explain what you will aim to argue or what
your hypothesis will be. This is where you should outline your aims and objectives and the scope of the research. Your introduction should contain:
• A clear statement of your topic/subject and research question
• An explanation of why the research is interesting and important
• An indication of the scope and restrictions of your research
• The position that you intend to argue or the hypotheses that you intend to test
• Definition of key terms
• A summary of the chapters to follow

4. Literature Review (1000-1500 words)
This should be an examination of critical literature related to your topic (usually academic texts and journals). It is a critical look at what has been written on the topic you have selected for your dissertation by accredited scholars and researchers. It should demonstrate your familiarity with your chosen subject area. Having read the existing writings on your chosen topic, identify the gaps revealed by your literature review or where findings are unclear or contradictory.

5. Main body of text
This section represents the findings of your research, linked back to the questions and hypotheses posed at the beginning. The main body of the text should be divided into chapters/sub-sections to create a coherent structure.
The main body of text will include description, analysis, and interpretation. You may find it helpful to use the following as a formal structure, or you may choose to structure your sections differently:
• Description: assembly of relevant facts establishing contexts defining terms naming parts working towards isolation and identification of what is problematic.
• Analysis: dissecting the body of facts in such a way as to expose as clearly as possible those aspects or relations of particular interest to the analyst.
• Interpretation: the meaning(s) which the interpreter takes from the material. Through your research, your interpretations should lead on to explanations and, if your dissertation is about current trends, it could lead to predictions.
The text must be properly and thoroughly referenced throughout, using the Harvard Method. For detailed information on how to use the Harvard style of referencing see: http://www.arts.ac.uk/docs/llr_harvardstyle.pdf

6. Conclusion (750 words)
The conclusion should summarise and comment on your findings. This is where your arguments and analysis should culminate in some form of answer to your research question(s), though this may not be a ‘black and white’ conclusion. It should also acknowledge areas where the results of your research are uncertain or inconclusive. Summarise the main results of your research relating them to your original research question and link back to the literature. This is where you sum up and recap your main points, rather than introducing any new material.

7. Appendices (optional)
These allow you include any material which could not be fitted easily into any chapter, but which gives helpful context to your research. This would include for example additional information such as interview transcripts, examples of questionnaires, covering letters, etc. It is not included in the word count.

8. Bibliography
This should include all sources (written or otherwise) which were consulted during the course of your research. It should include all material you have read and used during your dissertation including books, articles, TV programmes, films, magazines, web sites, etc. Use the Harvard Method.

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