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Differences Between UK copyright traditions and continental Europe law system copyright traditions.


The comparison must be made ONLY IN THE COPYRIGHT LAW AND COPYRIGHT TRADITION, DON’T COMPARE THE GENERAL LAW SYSTEMS. The lecture is Intellectual Property Law.
It should be kept in mind that the main topic is only a comparison of the copyright laws and traditions.
For example, while the rights of the author / artist are preserved in the European system, the work is protected mainly in the English legal system. UK copyright system is profit oriented. Please do refer to similarities.
This essay should include Bibliography. And OSCOLA Referencing style must be used. Essays should be typed, double or 1½ line spaced and fully referenced. Essays must state the actual word count. It is assumed that your essay will be typed and spell-checked. Please use a line-spacing setting of 1.5. There is nothing that gets an examiner in a “grumpier” frame of mind than reading a sloppily-presented essay that is filled with spelling and typographical errors.
Footnotes (or end notes) are included in the word count and include all citations (reference in OSCOLA style), explanation, or comment at the bottom of the page (or at the end of the essay). References that are not included in the word count. Essay should not be so descriptive AND must be critical. This essay should definitely be on master’s level. (LLM)

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