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Digital media production cultures: Critically detail and analyze the ways in which the conditions and mode of production have influenced and shaped the resultant product/output that has been produced.

Digital media production cultures

Through a Critical Media Industries Studies approach, critically analyses how the conditions of production within a specific area of the screen industries have influenced and shaped the resultant product/output (i.e. film, game, digital media, online output). To undertake this, you should undertake the following process:
1. Select an (online or digital) object or site* of study from a specific area of the the screen industries;
2. Select a methodological approach** for generating or accessing primary materials; 3. Critically detail and analyze the ways in which the conditions and mode of production have influenced and shaped the resultant product/output that has been produced.
The object or site of study can be taken from either a contemporary and current media example or you can select an historical example (but you need to ensure you can access adequate materials on which to base your analysis).
*This could be an organization – corporate, commercial, public, a trade union, a group of workers, a community of practice (in physical or virtual space).
**e.g. content analysis, discourse analysis, questionnaires, interviews, participant observation, ethnography.

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