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Compare an old silent comedy with something that you classify as new silent comedy. Such as famous silent comedians from the time include Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin.

Film comedy (old silent comedy classify as new silent comedy)

Compare an old silent comedy with something that you classify as new silent comedy. Such as famous silent comedians from the time include Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. When doing an annotated bibliography, the annotations are usually paired with the citation.
There are three sources from the Proposal Prompt.doc
The first source is a book by Alfred Bates that presents an overview of the entire history of comedy.
The second source is a book by Rickman which comprises of a wide-ranging anthology on both sound and silent comedy.
The Third show how film comedy emerged at a time the US was undergoing significant moral and social transition as well as how it established itself as an American collective an expression. Bilton examines notable comedians from the silent era and relates their work and biographies to the American culture during that time.

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