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Comparing and contrasting the challenges of the international marketing of culture in established and developing markets.

You will be required to submit essay comparing and contrasting the challenges of the international marketing of culture in established and developing markets
-expected to follow academic conventions in terms of essay composition; support your argumentation with references from readings from the relevant sessions and illustrate your argument with a specific example (this can be the one that you would have chosen for your individual marketer sheet).
Choose ONE of the questions below, supporting your analytical argument with references from the reading list, and illustrating it with a specific example of your choice. For either of these questions, you may want to respond, while thinking of yourself as a cultural manager in charge of specific market objectives and strategies.
1) What does market analysis and diagnostics for cultural consumption involve? Discuss using a specific case study of a creative product.
2) Critically analyse the marketing mix used for an existing cultural product, situating your analysis in relation to broader context of international consumer society.

Introduction (5-10% of the work)
 Definition of important terms /concepts
 General statement to interest reader in the topic (relevance of subject; background of topic) or a thesis statement (careful not an opinionated piece!) – purpose of the essay
 Possibly details of what you are NOT going to discuss and why (if the question is very general and in order not to be criticised for not talking about the whole subject)
 Overall plan of the different sections of your assignment (first, we shall look at; then; thirdly; and finally…) – this is a ‘map’ for the reader of the overall assignment
Conclusion (5-10% of the work)
 Answer the question
 Summarise the most important points raised in the main body
 Write the main points you want the reader to remember
 Do NOT provide further evidence nor elaborate on another example here!

Marketer Sheet
Value Proposition
Market need
Target Market

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