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A case study portfolio relating to the risk perception for safety, health and environmental hazards associated with smoking electronic cigarettes.

Produce a case study portfolio relating to the risk perception for the particular safety , health and environmental hazards associated with smoking electronic cigarettes.
1. Critique of the safety, health and environmental risk perception by different stake holders involved.
2. Synthesis of evidence in the form of a briefing note for a particular peer/ stake holder (for e.g policy maker or general public or corporate client) to decide on the “best policy”
3. The development and presentation of one piece of publicity material such as a poster addressing your perception of risk for the hazard associated with smoking electronic cigarette

This task above represent the desired distribution of literature review/ input / content under each component towards the entire work.

Knowledge and Understanding (assessed and intended learning outcome)
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and significance of attributes that influence risk perception and acceptance. (ILO1)
2. Critical evaluate the influence of risk in decision making processes (ILO2)
3. Appraise contemporary risk management process models in identification , analysis, evaluation and treatment of risk and apply to contextual situations (ILO3)
4. Make critical judgements about the influence of risk in decision making processes taking account of uncertainty (ILO7)

Transferable / Key Skills and other attributes
1. Critically review , analyse, and resynthesize literature from a variety of robust sources in an applied context (ILO4)
2. Effectively communicate ideas in variety

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