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Compare and contrast Nietzsche and Augustine: What does Nietzsche share with Augustine, and why does he reject what he does?

Compare and contrast Nietzsche and Augustine.

The purpose of this essay is for you to demonstrate that you have understood the material we are covering in this course. To this end, you will be graded on how well you present the argument of the philosopher(s) under consideration. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES in your essay. You must cite the primary texts we read in class.

Compare and contrast Nietzsche and Augustine. There are things that Nietzsche clearly inherits from Augustine, and things he explicitly rejects. What does Nietzsche share with Augustine, and why does he reject what he does?

Essay should be FIVE pages in length; you may go over this limit if need be. Please use Times New Roman, 12 point font; double spaced, with one-inch margins; only include your name at the top left of the essay.

Primary sources to use: Nietzsche “Madman, Nietzche “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” Pages 9-200 or other parts of the book. Augustine, “Free Choice of the Will”

Provide quotes to help the arguments of the essay and comparison

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