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The Effects of Music on the Mental Health of Students.

The Effects of Music on the Mental Health of Students

– The subject of this research report is Professional Writing.

– Please read all the uploaded files, especially understand the Guidelines, Marking Guide, Letters for Research Report Assignment, Research Report Content Guide and the Research Report samples

– The topic for this research report is The Effects of Music on the Mental Health of Students

– The total words must be 3,300 words and it does not include in-text citation / in-text referencing and does not include appendices and references.

– In the ‘Data Sample and Analysis’ sample, there should be a total of 11 figures, just like in the sample report.

– Because the primary research/survey has not been conducted yet and it will be conducted next week (December 3) and the results will be out on December 8, writer cannot start doing most sections of the report.

Therefore, the writer must start doing the two letters (Client’s Brief and Letter of Acceptance), do secondary research for Literature Review, Analysis and Discussion sections as soon as possible

– Next week, when the survey results are out, the writer needs to start working on the rest of the sections and analyzing the datas from the survey

– I have uploaded my own Survey Questions and Explanatory Questions which will be included for in the Research Report.

– In terms of the language style, writer must use a wide range of vocabularies because the research report must be professional and shows an advanced English skill.

There must not be any repetition in the research report itself.

– If a source is being integrated in the research report, writer must not only be focusing on one source. Moreover, the arguments and explanations must be concise and very clear and show a deep understanding of the topic.

– Writer must follow TQAM and TEEL structure which I have uploaded in the files section.

– Writer must check the work and make sure he/she has followed all the requirements, otherwise the report will be penalised.

– The research report must not contain any plagiarism.

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